Life's Meaning

Category: Poetry
Author: wizanda
Date: 2006/8/7
What is the meaning of life;
Why do we have such strife?
Life is not just to get a wife,
Even though this maybe a part,
And we need it for our heart,
It is just a start.
Many are lost,
Look at the cost,
While we are OK;
What may the earth say?
So let us explain,
Let's stop the pain;
For we have become a drain,
Whereas the truth is quite plain,
It doesn't need to drive us insane;
It's simple we see,
Follow nature to be free.
As one we were made,
Don't let this fade;
As there is no way back,
There will be less lack,
We're on the wrong track.
We recycle the water,
Yet not as we alter;
For all we waste,
Is to nitrate this place.
Plants need Phosphates,
Can we relate?
Don't think we are that great,
Why do we leak;
If we evolved,
What does this solve?
If were created,
What is implicated?
For plants to be nutrated;
For us to water and feed,
Yet all we think of is greed.
Hear this plead,
For if we look at the jungle,
It's not such a jumble;
For where the animals flow,
Fruit along does grow.
For as they empty out,
All the seeds are spread about;
Imagine the world if we lived the same,
Fruit everywhere we went,
The way that it is meant.
No need to steal,
For the world can heal;
So all have enough,
We may live in love,
A world we can help create,
Instead of look in hate.
Let's change the world's fate,
Work again as one,
Within this mighty song;
Now that we can see what is going on.
Articles V1.01