Anointed Inspiration

Category: Poetry
Author: wizanda
Date: 2006/8/7
All of these poems,
Have been wrote on dope;
As people call,
Yet this is not a fall.
The Bible speaks of this to preach;
Anoint Aarons sons,
That they might teach.
The problem comes that we don't understand,
The demand to keep it holy;
If they make it illegal,
How can it be regal?
Then we drop,
Our mind will stop;
Instead of insight,
We'll only find plight.
Isaiah said it right,
Their yokes will be taken,
Unless they awaken.
It's not to intoxicate,
Yet to help us relate;
To whom we are,
And to help us find Yah.
God showed us this when young,
To scared to have sung;
Yet now in the Bible we've found,
So now we must sound.
The focus must be true,
Then we might learn something new.
Articles V1.01