Re: Is Satan the Sister Spirit and Espoused Wife of Jesus Christ

Posted by wizanda on 1137002084
Ok then I will start an official thread to continue this and I will challenge anyone whether or not Paul is indeed Anti-Christ.
For this thread though, I ask you:

Do you get an inheritance as Christ died for you?

Works don't count, if you have Christ?

As I know both of these are 100%, if you answer yes..........
You don't follow Yeshua!
I suggest reading some of the articles as you follow Paul!

This is my point Christ said works count and when the son of man comes you will be judged by them!

Paul said works don't so how can you follow the Pharisees and Christ???
Wake up!!
He told you not to follow the Pharisees and here you are telling me, you will follow them?

Now Christ told the parable of the vine dressers son and how they would kill the son, so they could steal the inheritance.

Who taught this Pharisees, who 1st Caiaphas, 2nd it is recorded in the book of John.
Who wrote the book of John?
The Pharisees as clearly is evident and not a disciple, as it even tells you at the end, "this is taken from a disciple, so we know it is true."
The other parts is that there are many accounts, in John that only a member of the Pharisees or Jewish high council; would have known, i.e. John Nicodemus or Nicolaitans

So on both of these two your future rests, for eternal life??

As Christ told you that those who killed the vine dressers son............what will happen to them when the owner learns they killed his son, they will be chucked out.

Who taught you that? Paul and John..........Pharisees!

Also I would read the potters field article I have written, as that is far better then I can do to show it was a set up for the daft shepherds.

Anyways as Suzy was saying unity is better and I am sorry for going on one as such.

It is just we will never have unity world wide while the Pharisee doctrine remains.
This is why we have a post like this started off, as with people all turned to different paths and not a clear one to follow.
Because instead of the Bible being clear it is full of holes and contradictions due to the Pharisees?
So then people get confused.
I advice you miss out all of John and Paul and make far more sense.
Oh make that the books of Simon Peter(stone) as well, Christ was plummet line to messure not the rock.
God is the rock in Isaiah, so what right do non-prophets and anyone really have to change this?

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