Re: My Friend Ernest

Posted by wizanda on 1169459307
Duality as in what sense? to me spirituality is part of the cause of the words its self are dual....

It easy to say lets have one, yet for that to be; first we will have to look at all aspects of life.....and what is required not to be dual....

As in there are two sorts of peoples...still trying to work out a clear definitions of what these are....yet if we find a system that caters for all...then finally we can have oneness....

Yet currently THEY have pushed us further into either religious, Spiritual or nothing....I find that approach more dual then anything else...

As in religious won't converse with spiritual as (Christians) they will claim spiritual are all occult and nothings need making the gap wider....

Reminds me of the Christian poster they use on street ministries where they show a big divided between God and us....and then they lie and say Christ died for them....not knowing most of the books they quote from are by Pharisees that the bible stands against and the people Yeshua was ending....

now all of those peoples follow the lie and say that we must also and that will fill the gap between us and

That is what made the divided between us and God to begin....

So yeh must admit it is very dual at the moment and unless we end Christianity and bring it back to what Christ intended the gap can only worsen....

Big problem is they are very much like scared if you approach them and they don't know you....then they run off frightened and amplify them self's with other who believe the same lies, so they can reconfirm it to them self's....

Anyways point being...people have chosen to be like that and so duality is present in society....

if we push one way to far people will go the what would you suggest?

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