Re: The cause of differences and quarrel among beliefs?

Posted by qOLOp on 1117547220
The question of what happens with a newborn who dies suddenly.. hasn't been answered. Christianity cannot answer this question without throwing a lot of believes and inconsistencies.
You mentioned: " Whole countries starve because they beleive a cow is sacred and they feed thousands of them instead of eating them. They don't know how to farm because they need other people like you and me to give time, money or knowledge to plant or provide water. "

The whole world is being depleted of natural resources because some people belive that cows are "toys" and they don't suffer. It takes 2500 gallons of water to produce a pound of meat. It takes 25 gallons of water for a pound of wheat. only 2% of the water in the earth is drinkable... Land erosion is another consequence of using land for cattle so some people can enjoy a "big mac"... Other countries know that a cow gives different things to men. Milk, and milk products, leather, even cow's dung and urine is used as medicine... to kill a cow just to have meat for one day is not only irrational but morally wrong. Someone that cannot see suffering in animals is completely blind...

Your idea of those people "who don't know how to farm" is completely wrong. It is time to see the world as a big picture.
Overpopulation and the fact that money "talks" are the main causes of not using the land for farming but rather for other things that are believed to bring money (supply and demand). Greed and no the lack of knowledge is the cause of this problem.

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