Re: Is Satan the Sister Spirit and Espoused Wife of Jesus Christ

Posted by suzyq on 1136997560
Perceptions...assumptions...the mind jumping in so fast, engaged in thoughts before they have had time to be fully digested and brought to the heart. Ponderings, musings, ideas held within self that need airing out. Appreciation for sharing and dharma openly exchanged.

Does one really know ultimate truth or is life a journey toward this discovery? Can anything be solved with discordant thinking? If one holds to the box in which he or she arrived and does not look out from within its walls to consider other possibilities will the box begin to collapse inward. Does this not cause emotions to stir? Wouldn't it be better to allow the walls of the box to just fall free and to embrace each other in dialogue that is directed toward unity?

Thank you for enlarging my box this day...I will ponder your thoughts lovingly.

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