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politics/religion OR spirituality Posted on: 2006/12/11 4:39
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2006/12/6 3:34
Posts: 7
Religion is not the same as spirituality.

Spirituality is all about adhering to spiritual laws. which religion, nor any hierachial order, does not do.

Religons and politics are intrinsically linked. Because of who or what is at the head of governments, and what is at the 'head' of religions. (there is an interaction going on between the non-physical realms of false gods (calling themselves 'ascended masters'.. when they have ascended nowhere and mastered nothing in particular, and the covert, elite, very small but very powerful group of people in control of this planet.. called Illuminati/Andromedan-Anu Hybrid/Anu Remnants/Anu/Nibiruian Drakonians (they are reptiliions on other planes of reality, using a physical human body to live a normal life).

(if you feel confronted at this knowledge Beloved, go within, or use a pendulum to authenticate, what your mental mind cannot).

God/source/souls, do not want prayer or praying, they want communication and collaboration - communion. When one prays to god/jesus/mary... it is not they that hear, nor do they want to hear. This is tantamount to begging (spirit asks we INTEND AND COMMAND our reality .. and learn about the manifestation techniques and mechanisms).

There are beings that appropriate this chi (as one loses chi in prayer and praying) they are Sananda, Yawheh/yehod, and Lady Nada.

In truth we Ascend
And not all Truth is sweet, beauty and love.
HOwever we do not ascend in ignorance - this is called 'lifting veils' - and it is these beings, and their immense control we are ascending from.

Earthmother deems these beings as a "large insidious, hierachial tree, with their branches outspread pretending protection, and their roots so deep and widespread, infiltrating and corrupting everything good and beautiful. The only solution is to ascend"

Namaste and Blessings
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Freedom from Authority or U/C Love Posted on: 2006/12/7 23:58
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2006/12/6 3:34
Posts: 7
We cannot have them both

Yes we can Missing Link.

It is in the act of spiritual ascension - the transcendation of polarity thoughtform and being.
The transformational process is moving into Unity - unified thoughtform, neutrality, middle-ground. Which are also the higher consciousness of the multi-dimensional realms we are moving into.
Also the Consciousness concepts of the universal mind of All That Is.

Unified thoughtform and all its associated concepts of
Divine Union
Unconditional Love
(to name a few of the many)
As one clears the karma from the polarity of each of these Unified thoughtforms - sometimes many. One then comes to the Unity paradigm.

One does not study or memorise to become enlightened, it is an 'embodying' process. of releasing karma (dense negative energies in the etheric body realms) which is a swapping out process to embody the higher consciousness concepts.

This is how one 'raises the consciousmind'

One cannot BE Unconditional Love without also embodying Freedom.
One cannot BE Freedom without embodying U/C Love.

As one clears the karma from U/C Love (invalidates/praises) one first u/c loves the self, and all that this means ... everything then moves into a spiritual perspective
(as we are soul/spirit having the human experience)
Soul is desiring spiritual ascension, ascension is soul evolution, and the only reason for souls existance - so one U/C loves self and soul - and so one will ascend.

One cannot ascend, if one is not totally FREE.
Master or slave to noone - so one does all karma from the polarities of master/slave. (all the karma where one was a master and caused karma (as victim or perpetrator), and all where one being a slave caused karma (victim or perpetrator)

(soul guides us to this clearing work - vital to ones ascension).

As one does this karmic work - and embodies the truths, the unity concepts.
The life exponentially changes.
Ascension deems changes
And just embodying 'FREEDOM' deems changes.

I am guided to not own anything - not be tied into 'securities' or savings. Loan/monetary institutions/taxation even (that keep us attached to the system) We cannot be free with constant observance to loans, or (for me) the constant maintenance of ones home and car.
I, personally, am on the dole - this is my calling in all karma owed (to me, from all the pastlife associations with governmental agencies that have taken without giving anything in return) however, there are many who are guided into 'ascending' types of employment. Jobs that support their ascension, not take all their attention, and drain their chi,(there must be a balance of all giving and receiving in ascension).

Soul decides these changes and orchestrates this changes.
It will be different for everyone.

I have 'surrendered' to soul/Terra and the Ascension dynamic, and it is they they look after every ascending intiate that does this ascension work. One is required to clear all karma on ABUNDANCE .(polarities of poverty/greed) so one can instantly manifest all that one requires for the spiritual ascension journey.
(it is our karma that says we must have more than we need - being needy is karmic. it is our karma that says we must be in lack - where you caused a lack in someone else (in a pastlife situation)
In fact it is all karma, that one cannot create their reality.

But can you see how our attachments to the machine - prevents our authentic freedom.
And as you clear the karma, the requirement to be attached, is all gone (as we only have that particular job, because of karma, and we only have that particular life because of karma - to be FREE is allowing soul to take the helm and guide our very existance.

and then when one is Free (for the very first time in our long existance on this planet) one surrenders this Freedom to soul and Terra.
For Ascension.

In Truth we Ascend
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Re: The End Decision Posted on: 2006/12/7 2:24
Just popping in
2006/12/6 3:34
Posts: 7
Hi guys - i see this had a tag 'solved'.. not so.

The missing link is karma.

Karma lives on in the unconscious of both the original perpetrator and the original victim (and their future ancestors) until seen, understood and forgiven (or said sorry).

Which none of us have done in an eon - seen the karma, understood and forgiven.

Most do not even know we have pastlives, let alone understanding that we are all now involved in karmic return.
Let alone forgiving something that happened thousands, tens of thousands - nay a hundred thousand years ago.

And from my humble experience (of ascending and clearing karma) we learn Unconditional Love as each karma (where we lost U/C love .. where we were blamed, shamed, dominated, subordinated, invalidated etc)
As these karmas are completed, we finally 'authentically' embody Unconditional Love.
As much as one may try to programme themselves to unconditional love, or practise per se - it is as one truly embodies the frequency - that one IS the walking talking manifestation of Unconditional Love.

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