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Re: HOW TOXIC IS YOUR HOME? Posted on: 2005/7/19 21:07
Just popping in
2005/7/7 17:56
From Gustine, CA
Posts: 6
Okay, that really ends like a sales pitch. That is not what I meant it to be like. The company I am working with has a mission. That is to let people know how toxic many of their everyday products are. Here is some information from an article written by By Dr. George Grant
Toxicologist/Analytical Chemist/Microbiologist
Founder of the International Academy of Wellness

"More children under four die of accidental poisonings at home than are accidentally killed with guns at home. The average home today contains more chemicals than were found in a typical chemistry lab. Go into your kitchen and your bathroom and look under your sinks where you keep your cleaning and personal care supplies. What have you found? Window cleaner? Bleach? Dishwashing detergent? Shampoo? Toothpaste? If you read the label on toothpaste, it says not to swallow the paste!

These products can be violent lethal poisons with the potential to kill or seriously injure your child. Most dishwashing detergents include naphta, which is a central nervous system depressant, diethanolamine, a possible liver poison, and chlorophenylphenol, a metabolic stimulant that is considered a toxic substance.

Of all chemicals commonly found in homes, 150 have been linked to allergies, birth defects, cancer and psychological abnormalities. We have a higher rate of kids with cancer and learning disabilities than ever. If that doesn't say we're doing something wrong in our environment, I'd hate to see what it takes! According to the American Cancer Society, there has been a 26 percent increase in cancer over the last 2 decades!

You should also be concerned about the air that you and your children breathe. Cleaning products and some personal care products release toxic vapors into the air when they are used and even when they are stored. Children may be particularly vulnerable to chemical fumes. They inhale more air per pound of body weight than adults, and because pollutants are generally heavier than air and collect closer to the floor, small children breath greater concentrations than do grown ups."

This also includes our beloved animal companions. What are we doing to their health, as well?

I just want people to think about what products they are using, and find safer, environmentally safe, alternatives.
If you are having trouble finding quality products, at a decent expense, contact me, and I will give you information about a company that cares. Any personal information you give to me, will remain CONFIDENTIAL.
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Re: Do you believe in fairies? Posted on: 2005/7/11 17:05
Just popping in
2005/7/7 17:56
From Gustine, CA
Posts: 6
I have a picture of my daughter in her crib when she was about 4 months old. Her chubby cheeks and pointed ears instantly made us think of an elf. (Not knowing about faeries at the time.)

She is the joy of my life, as well as my life challenge. I have brought her up to question authority, because so many in authority can be wrong. I was taught not to question, to the detriment of my health as well as my family. She has the insight to see inconsistancies as well as injustice. I learn from her all the time.

At the age of 12, she has a natural beauty that people pay big bucks to immitate. Large, burgandy lips, rosy cheeks, hair that is straight,but with body, and sparkling eyes. Make up does nothing for her. She is slowly realizing what she has, and what other people do to get what she has naturally.

She also has always had a very strong attraction to trees, as well as other plants. One tree in our front yard is her friend, that she has always communicated with.

We love our faerie, (her preferred spelling) very much.
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Re: Branches Posted on: 2005/7/11 6:34
Just popping in
2005/7/7 17:56
From Gustine, CA
Posts: 6
I just wanted to add a recent experience I just had. I went to sign in with my local pagan chat group, and found I was banned. I was taken by complete surprise! I was in tears trying to figure out what I had done to offend. I couldn't even contact the moderator. I was lucky enough (guided) to have communicated recently, by email, with one of the members. She asked for me what I had done. Apparently, I offended them because I sent a link to a Christian site that has the most beautiful video, that to me, should be seen by all people, of all races and religions. It is called "The Interview", and if anyone is interested, here is their link:
When I saw it, it moved me to tears. I thought, this is what it should be about.
Apparently one moderator did not agree. So ultimately, we are all human, and no matter what religion you say you are with, there will be people who are not open-minded.
Wizanda recently sent me something that I think will be my response from now on, "when asked what is your religion?......I replied my religion is kindness"
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Re: Branches Posted on: 2005/7/9 21:04
Just popping in
2005/7/7 17:56
From Gustine, CA
Posts: 6
Your name has two very imporant symbols to me, and I feel compelled to ask you something. Why are you looking for a church? Do you need a group of people who believe as you do, or do you need the guidelines of a church?

Most religions seem to teach their followers that the only way to communicate with God is through them. I was fortunate this was not the case. I have always felt an open communication. I truly don't believe you can never be away from God, just not listening.

For years I felt like something was missing. I was raised in a Christian faith, alittle off the main path, but strict in a different sense than the Catholic. It was a good starting point, but I still saw too much hypocrisy.

Recently I have discovered Paganism, which is nothing like we learned in school, from movies, books, adults, or anywhere. Pagan literally means "country dweller". As a religion, there are as many different "churches" as there are in Christianity. You also don't have to give up any beliefs you feel are important to you. A big eye opener We don't believe in a devil This was made up by the Christians. If you are interested in more info. along this line, let me know. Otherwise, good luck on your search.
Bright Blessings, diamondove
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