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User Guide To Wiz-And-A Systems

Pages: « 1 2 (3) 4 5 6 »
  1. Transfer the article to other applications
  2. Write blog with this article
  3. Add the link to bookmarks
  4. Send article by email
  5. Discussion in forum
  6. Create PDF
  7. Send author PM about the post
  8. Print article

Transfer the article to other applications

Here you will find how and what happens with the selection you get if you press transfer when logged in.

  • Write blog with this article

    This will Quote an Article back to the Wiz-And-A System Automaticly; so you can edit and make your own articles with advanced layout some people know how to use. Please do not misuse the system by breaking one love copy right's. If it's not your own idea discuss it in the forum untill you are sure on any given subject to be more complete in your own research and others.
  • Add the link to bookmarks

    This will add a link to and Furl It, hopefully browsers also at some point.
  • Send article by email

    This will post a link back to the article to friends as to display it as it was written to be.
  • Discussion in forum

    Here will transfer the article you are looking at, to the forum; to discuss any subject in an open conversation. If a subject is good it will automaticly stay at the top of the conversations, as people will post. Now if you want the other way around and not to lose your post in a jumble of conversations; Then added it as an article and present it here. The koivi system is in both and can copy and paste the same from the forum to the Article system.
  • Create PDF

    This will create the page you see into a PDF copy. At present it doesn't copy all pages, yet we will see what we can do about this.
  • Send author PM about the post

    This is for freind'z to send each other a PM's... now if you have Email selected which we will make default?? Then you will recieve emails from here with the messages you get in our system. Making a full system for communiaction, where timing and cause and effect is counted for, as some time we all say stuff we don't mean on a moment! So to make sure you think before allowing any hurtful comments.
  • Print article

    This will print the article and remove the graphics in many cases we will see on making the system as needed from requests, many people are working on this, so any things missing please ask us here
Pages: « 1 2 (3) 4 5 6 »
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