Oneness - True Faith
Articles :: Religious Resolution

The New Name of Christ is...

><> This site has always had Christ's new name, and people haven't study religions enough to know this already. <><
Tags: Christ  Messiah  Oneness  0nenesss  Heaven  Archangel  King 
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I've known since 4-5 years old I'm an Avatar sent from Heaven, where I believe we can show the new name of Christ in Revelation 19:12 is my name Zanda & Zan for short; yet thought would do the exegesis (Zand) first.

Revelation 3:12 He who overcomes, I will make him a pillar (Sandalphon) in the temple of my God, and he will go out from there no more. I will write on him the name of my God, and the name of the city of my God (Zion), the new Jerusalem, which comes down out of heaven from my God, and my own new name (Sananda).
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 Re: The New Name of Christ is...

Posted: 2022/8/1 12:00  Updated: 2024/4/14 16:18


Joined: 2004/3/26
From: Nottingham, UK
Posts: 2932
This is a start to some of the prophecies I understand to align, and need to be clear in what is being discussed Biblically:

In my understanding King David was prophesied in Psalm 89:19-21 to be the Suffering Servant of Isaiah 52:10-14 with the naming Yeshua; it is then prophesied that King Zion comes with the Good News Isaiah 52:7, Isaiah 40:9, Isaiah 41:27.

I believe we're coming up to Armageddon (Israel Vs Iran, etc), with Christ returned before it; where when it takes place Betelgeuse will have been seen to have gone supernova, and then our whole reality will change dramatically (Revelation 16:15-21).

This post is in the hope we can logically rectify some of the religious differences before the events between us; if not I believe God showed me that we will keep the Enlightened Saints, and the rest will be removed from reality as prophesied globally.

Feel free to ask any questions about why I believe these religious utterances add up, before dissecting it all.

Please also feel free to get your religious authorities to come & discuss the details with us.