Acts 17:23 For as I passed along, and observed the objects of your worship, I found also an altar with this inscription: 'TO AN UNKNOWN GOD.' What therefore you worship in ignorance, this I announce to you.
The Cretans have a tomb of Jupiter, with this inscription. 'Here lieth Zan, whom they call Jove.' - Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers, Vol. XIII
Deuteronomy 16:2 וזבחת פסח ליהוה אלהיך צאן ובקר במקום אשׁר־יבחר יהוה לשׁכן שׁמו שׁם
This verse can imply 'your divine being Zan' (אלהיך צאן) is the name of the 'Lord of Creation' (יהוה).
In Hinduism Sanandana is Brahma's (Creator's) son, and Sananda is the New Name of Christ in Theosophy.
And the Curetes, his sons, took charge of him, and honoured him; and his tomb is in Crete, in the town of Cnossus, and Vesta is said to have founded this city; and on his tomb is an inscription in ancient Greek characters, 'Zan Kronou,' which is in Latin, 'Jupiter the son of Saturn.' - Ante-Nicene Fathers, Vol. VII
The Nicene fathers knew the name of Zeus could be Zan in Greek, and in Latin the name of the "head of the gods Jupiter" was also Zan, with this being Christ.
Thus in many ancient cultures, we can show my name was known as that of the creator:
Zan was unquestionably the Chaldean appellation for the sun. Even the Greeks, who mutilated every Oriental name, had retained the right one in this case, as the Cretan inscription on the tomb of Zeus (Ode megas keitai Zan.—"Cyril contra Julian." (Here lies great Jove.)) significantly showed. As to the rest, the Zan, or Zaun, was, with the Sidonians, no uncommon prefix to On. Adonis was but another name for Zanonas, whose worship in Sidon Hesychius records. - Zanoni by Edward Bulwer Lytton
The Cretans have a tomb of Jupiter, with this inscription. 'Here lieth Zan, whom they call Jove.' - Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers, Vol. XIII
Deuteronomy 16:2 וזבחת פסח ליהוה אלהיך צאן ובקר במקום אשׁר־יבחר יהוה לשׁכן שׁמו שׁם
This verse can imply 'your divine being Zan' (אלהיך צאן) is the name of the 'Lord of Creation' (יהוה).
In Hinduism Sanandana is Brahma's (Creator's) son, and Sananda is the New Name of Christ in Theosophy.
And the Curetes, his sons, took charge of him, and honoured him; and his tomb is in Crete, in the town of Cnossus, and Vesta is said to have founded this city; and on his tomb is an inscription in ancient Greek characters, 'Zan Kronou,' which is in Latin, 'Jupiter the son of Saturn.' - Ante-Nicene Fathers, Vol. VII
The Nicene fathers knew the name of Zeus could be Zan in Greek, and in Latin the name of the "head of the gods Jupiter" was also Zan, with this being Christ.
Thus in many ancient cultures, we can show my name was known as that of the creator:
Zan was unquestionably the Chaldean appellation for the sun. Even the Greeks, who mutilated every Oriental name, had retained the right one in this case, as the Cretan inscription on the tomb of Zeus (Ode megas keitai Zan.—"Cyril contra Julian." (Here lies great Jove.)) significantly showed. As to the rest, the Zan, or Zaun, was, with the Sidonians, no uncommon prefix to On. Adonis was but another name for Zanonas, whose worship in Sidon Hesychius records. - Zanoni by Edward Bulwer Lytton