Oneness - True Faith
Articles :: Religious Resolution
Religious Resolution

Religious Resolution

Articles about Religious Subjects and there true meanings.
  1. Where El & Eloh Are Not the Same
    Religion has been confused since Babylon, as the Bible was about the Creator Divine Being, with the God Most High above him.
  2. Why Jehovah Isn't a Name for God
    Religions are divided due to theological incompatibilities, and by correcting that Jehovah is a description, and not a name, this could help unify religion globally.
  3. Why Did God Allow Yeshua to be Crucified?
    What the majority believe about Christ being crucified, is the exact opposite, and here is an explanation of why the world has already been lead to be anti-Christ's doctrine.
  4. How the Word j+sus is an Insult in Hebrew
    The whole world has already been deceived to follow the Beast; where because they've not recognized it is there within the language, they've not realized it's blatantly within the texts.
  5. Resolving Middle Eastern Religion
    Since things will keep escalating without fixing the roots of a problem; here is what is causing the tumultuous divisions in the Middle East's theology.
  6. Messianic Naming
    The prophesied naming of the Messiah within the Bible, is overlooked by many, as it takes being able to dismantle all of it, to get to the roots of what is ascribed.
  7. The Lord's Rest
    There is a promise that the Lord will bring rest to the people, and be their king amongst them.
  8. The Bible Showed Us We Should Be Vegetarian
    An examination of where the Bible showed not to eat meat, and how at Judgement Day the Ravenous Beings are to be removed.
  9. Shamanic Ape
    Our religions in the world used entheogens to directly connect to the Divine, as well as heal many ailments.
  10. Messianic Email to the Chief Rabbi
    As requested by some, I've wrote to the Chief Rabbi in the UK, to explain what God has given me prophetically before Judgement Day.
  11. Why is Judgement Day Prophesied?
    What are the main causes of Judgement Day, and is it rectifiable?
  12. How Wizanda Fulfils Prophecy
    Here is a quick explanation of how I fulfil some of the religious prophecy globally.
  13. True Religion Vs Cultism
    Many of the world's religious followers are lead to follow cultism, instead of true religion.
  14. Fixing the Religious Divisions
    A quick guide to fixing Some of the religions, for one unified global theology.
  15. David was Prophesied as the 'My Servant' of Isaiah 52-53
    Due to a typo people have misunderstood what was prophesied, and argued about something self explanatory.