Re: checkerboard patterns in the sky
Posted by qOLOp on 1138153522
Why does someone want to control us? The same reason they changed the bible at Alexandria. They may think they have our best intentions at heart but, what about our free will?
This is an old, old story. Power! Sometimes people control other out of fear of what they don't know or understand. Sometimes, it's just for the power. The checkerboard in the sky? Just a new way to control the people with out them knowing.
They suppress the technology. ie at the impieral war museum in the MI6 section they have a microphone pen there dated 1964 they were using surface mount technology. In the commercal world, we din't start using that till 12-15 years ago.
Are we doomed? NO!!! Keep praying, Meditating and think good thought. God Bless.
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