Re: A Possibility to what Kali is and how we can fix it

Posted by suzyq on 1138465029

One set of dualities is prescibed for man (male and female) in each age. In the age of KALI it is Liberality Alone.

Define Liberalitiy?

This is a time of broadmindedness.
A willingness to share freely.
Abscense of narrowness, prejudice or judgement.
The ego is not fully engaged, rather a state of being must exist.

pg. 307, World Scripture: A Comparative Anthology of Sacred Texts

Kali is the light and the dark, the shadows in between.
This Goddess energy exists within all things for it brings us impermenance and birth all in the same creator Goddess.

Compassionate as perceived by the mind of man in one moment and destructive as perceived by another. Yet, why are we judging when judegement is not ours to behold.

Life was created with the purpose of an end. Living with the challenges of suffering to increase growth. Each given their own measure.

It is a matter of perspective and to judge it, while in the midst of it, is foolishness at best. Another judgement of 10,000 things.

So I ponder it limitation you saw or merely the duality of a time of liberality?

The rest of your post seems more personal and reflective.

My heart is saddened when it penetrates every cell of my being recognizing you feel you have yet to meet even one women, who does not seek to change you. HMMMM! I thought perhaps you had.

One women who can not accept you as cellularly different and changed moment to moment. For this is the natural state of all beings. The women herself has also changed. Does she not see this as well?

Why else have we conditined our minds to ask at each meeting "How are you...(now?) If in some way we did not recognize a change has occured? Actually the changes have no doubt occured on many levels, if we were only to seek them out and ponder there significance and accept them completely. Remember to think upon this the next time you hear these words or speak them so automatically...
"How are you?"

An example: I see, as a women, future partners, be it lovers or friends for the potential they radiate forth.

I see first the potential that is within myself and my own committment with my Higher Power, which for me is God.

I look to this as my foundation and decide if a longer term relationship will be possible based upon the strands of lights I see emanating from each of us. Yes, admittingly I do see and sense them on many levels.

Are they indeed heading in the same direction, similar perhaps? I take time in seeking out these similarities and honor the differences, as well. For in duality both will exist.

To assume all women judge in this era or that they are out to change another is just not so. The person they are longing to change is themselves whether they are conscious enough to hold this truth or not. Please do not personalize it any other way. It is about them and not about you, in every instance.

Thank you for letting go of your preconceived ideas and acepting those who have done so also into your life with an open mind and an open heart. Know that I believe.

Allowing change into your life is vital and allowing the other to change, a precious gift when remembered. Let it be.

Are we not all seed planters? Whilst you lay upon your bed at night do you realize I do know the seeds I sow within your heart? Some I am aware of and others merely dreams that come back to me.

What attachment occured in our communication of the days events? How was it received?

Each of us need time in nightly meditation and reflection to ponder these things. How have we touched the life of another? What was our service of the day? How could tomorrow be different if we choose it to be?

Our dreams will take us to these thoughts if we do not confront them directly for they are necessary for our own growth and change and in service to the other.

Kali lives on and will continue to be. Change is upon us all.

Yes, you are open hearted and lovingly receptive Zanda and we as women are very grateful for your presence always!

Yet, not like a girlfriend at, more like a "soul" friend. For even in the silence, the gaps, the peace and joy that "is" silence between the words shared, the understanding and communication persists and is ongoing. It follows one through the day and into the night entering a dream like state and awakens each new day.

Live in the NOW! Resist the need to be the controller or to be controlled. Learn to recognise this destructive force in your own life, this applies to all who read these words, including self. Choose growth over stagnation and join Kali in change as liberality!

In Love and Light,

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