Re: Re-Evolution
Posted by 13 Dimension on 1140858788
Ok just to clarify,
There are 13 dimensions, a Quick list is this:
1 length, single strand this is what you use to see David, it is a single Spirit.
2 Width, Strand that has started to understand its self and remove EGO
3 Depth, so making images that you see this is the myriad of things.
4 Time and Space, yet in a linear time frame, this is movement to animate things.
5 Gravity, now this I do ponder as I keep being shown dreams from people around me of a dark energy in the center of the universe, well this is, its heavy, the quark as reflected in on its self. Through this dimension it makes the movement of the planets and we have time and a way in which to learn. Yet also through this as I am now beginning to realise it is also Kali (The age of limitation, the dark women in Hinduism). So yes this may be a point of concern for us all in a way as you have to see past do you see past time you ask??? Well this is linear so there is a line to look at there is history; if you know where you have been you know where you are going. This is what Buddha, Yeshua and others have successfully passed while here and understood who they are from beginning to end in this life to begin with this take careful analyzing. Then they have realised that the I checking it self, is more then that as at time in their life's, there has been events that are unquestionably unreal or pre-known. so they only conclusion is to look out side of the box of normal existence and to see the whole, at this point they realise there consciousness is also part of the whole as consciousness and is one entity in its self. So then they remove the I and there is just us, oneness.
6 <----Is matter, now science hasn't got here yet, Einstein only went to 5 with mathematics, this is the matrix as the film put it, as for things to exist they need all of these dimensions if you can see. It is also called the Maya which is basically all is spirit and consciousness, which leads us on to..
7 We think in Anti-matter, its not here or there, consciousness is the same in everyone. We think in 7 we act in 6.
8 is infinity as the number it self suggests, as something at some point must have created everything, so that means it could also choose something different, as it created the movement of the stars and time it self.
9 is Chaos as it is outside of time and so therefore is random order of strands.
10 is the whole the matrix as things exist on a sub atomic level and on each level they exist in a dynamic field that is mathematical. So something must contain a dimension for it to be a dimension.
11 is love as this in its self adds a dimension to life. Look at nature and how there is male and female in most species that find a mate and fall in love. Why would the painter add such beautiful colours, unless this is the painter's style was this and there is such beauty and wealth of love in the painter, that it shows through out the painting, in the dynamic that have been added.
12 is wisDom as Dom is a place ie KingDom, FreeDom, it is the logic that has made the universe i.e. Tao/Dao. Without logic the whole universe would fall to pieces, again each dimension must contain the others. So this is where many of the elders sit in heaven this is why they angels people say are glowing. As this dimension if you see contains all the others and so bright radiant light as it transcends the single line quark and has control of its surroundings. That single line strand it began with as being the EGO has now reflected in out and questioned every aspect of its self and helped other showing it understood what is meant. Love is also heaven and passing 10 is the start of oneness as being free of desires helps other be like this.
13 is God, what is God? The center point of the whole universe, no longer a single entity, yet the middle reflection of everything, of every life forms and creature, all of it God feels even what's going on in level 1. Yet also with out the central processor, God in the center singing the most beautiful song the universe; wouldn't be, as even logic has to come from somewhere, you see. This is why 13 is so special as yes we can added numerous other dimensions and say these have numerous levels, yet really this is scientific in its approach as well, yet taken from the I-Ching, The Commandments and the Mythologies.
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