Re: Gazing Within the Heart Chakra

Posted by suzyq on 1141688775

Prevalent throughout all of nature is the phenomenon called entrainment. Ah, the harmony of it all. The body loves to be in this state where you think and feel better. The heart is the strongest biological oscillator within the human flesh form and therefore will draw all the other systems into entrainment with its rhythm.

One way to practice this is to contemplate deeply the thoughts of love or an easier concept for beginners may be deep appreciation and gratitude. The feelings will over a period of practice begin to swell from within. As practice continues one will feel as though their chosen concept is overflowing outward, as well as, swirling within an ideal manifestation. This practice will then synchronize the brain with the heart thought. Harmony is the result. When the head and the heart entrain an amazing thing occurs, intuitive clarity is enhanced. Most also sense a greater feeling of well being.

When one witnesses a beautiful red sunset for instance, inspiring music, or another human being what actually is happening is they are coming into sync with self. The self sinks into a deeper state of relaxation, and inner peace. Performance increases, and numerous health benefits fire off as all coalesce into oneness. This is the desired state of being.

Surrender is the hardest obstacle to overcome within this practice. The head/mind is resistant within most humans and puts up a good struggle with the heart for the lead role. Yet, if through practice one can get the head/mind to surrender long enough to the heart intelligence the connection can and will be made and the benefits manifested.

Keep in mind evidence suggests that not only can your mind and heart sense this interaction, the information is also passing from one human form to another, one energy pattern to the next. Why even a well spoken kind hearted word placed just so into the heart of another can change a life forever. Think before speaking. Damaging thoughts and words will have the opposite effect and can also stay within the other an entire lifetime, when the deliverer of such carelessly thrown out words tosses them as only a passing thought. Responsiblity and accountability apply here.

Another example: Closeness to another will trigger entrainment for those who are openhearted and begin to open new channels for those who are just beginning to open up to this world. As a hands on healer or touch therapist for over fifteen years, I stand behind these words and concepts fully. Evidence demonstrates the effectiveness in many testable ways. For instance, I may hold the thought of compassion as the giver of thought from my heart and then transfer this heart thought from my heart to increase health within the receiver, as well as, increase a sense of well being for both self and the receiver.

When we touch another, the electrical energy from our heart is transmitted to them through their brain. This can actually scientifically be monitored and demonstrated. The more intense or intimate the exchange within the touch, the more that is transfered in the encounter. Although with intention and practice a simple touch can accomplish as much. Our very presence and mood, thought patterns are exchanging with each being around us wherever we are. This is huge.

The choice of what to create belongs to the creator, to each of us in every moment of existance. Positive vibes create harmony, while negative vibes create an incoherence. As we strive and progress keep in mind, which is the preferred manifestation for you and practice it regularly. It is a choice.


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