Agreed and we will add every scripture we said that is the same:
Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect.
All of John- Nicodemus/Nicolaitans/Nicholas is fake and we can go over all and show why...
Yet the fact the Bible already tells everyone it is fake; why is that included as if truth?
So hast thou also them that hold the doctrine of the Nicolaitans, which thing I hate. Rev 2:15
So since half the rubbish they have made up, is included this is where these errors come from and nothing I said...
If you go over the books of Matthew, Mark and Luke they are ok...
As you have 3 witnesses that clarify not take...
Yet add any parts of Paul, John and Simon peter and you are in a mess and it is fake as the pazand records, and also Zechariah, Mohammed and many others who have come and will come....
So let's stop this rubbish made up by a roman church, as way to keep their control over people through religion...
This is the age of Kali
The metal beast and all its other names..
yet it will take us all as unity to understand that half the Bible needs removing, with my authority as it is messing up our society...not saving it as many believe they do....yet look at the cause and effect of Christian countries higher suicides, more killings, rapes and all the rest so if doesn't help you?
Why keep it?
Just as long as every Christian who looks at this knows..
I don't stand by you...
When you proclaim any of the way the truth life, the God so loved the world as this is the teachings of Balaam and what Revelations refers to as the bad ones.
God doesn't sacrifice I came to teach and show you love, so you beat up hang me on a cross and then keep he hang there whilst you worship me???
Be real this is the Pharisees plan to keep you trapped in hell with them, and coming back to life and gong to church again and again until you realize man makes mistakes so look at the bigger picture.. as truly they all do say the same!
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