Re: Spider came from millions of year ago!!

Posted by wizanda on 1150880241
also to take you back further older Spider, don't kill our own hope of surviavl if that is noah and you kill it what do you kill?
See duality is the key of spirituality and if the world's religions just helpped instead of hindered the plan maybe we could get peace! You see the White Spider is Peace, in colours yesyouare = salvation = one langauge in ancient time and slowly modern.
So if we kill a luminos spider that made reality what is death, to it? nothing, yet if it makes reality we warn of implication through out time!
Yet as a little Spider my self, we do find it scary and see what can happen!
So please for the love God science is barabic and poetry is motion of the ocean so remember from where you came and don't bring your own shame!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Oldest spider!! with a genitils national geographic

Please pay attention we love God and no some where you are going to destroy reality through EGO and playing with something that controls Quantum phyiciciscs and not human idea of atoms yet sub particles!
Understand our typo is intention most of the time and you lot fix it!
Makes far more sens if you leave an author's work in contxts and then it makes sense, we write in modern short hand, so modern we had to simplify it, into basic langauge that was easier to use.
As we know in english it is all langauges like mixing pot and that is a big clue!!!
Come on where are all these light workers?

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