Re: Spider came from millions of year ago!!

Posted by wizanda on 1150880949
Spider thread here and then leads to line of the octapus!!
Next to Hawaii? where life began, stop your dreaming of devil and we can find peace! how can we when you can't even see 4 spiders of colours = 4 horse of nation and 4 octapus of colour in motion made one great big ocean!
Sop killing it!
The spider helps it's mother missing link!!!

Please help me!!!
They must stop it else they will kill you, we have no idea of how reality works, yet they are helping write through history!!

Why spider makes lines octapus makes ink and through that we have wisdom so remember that 8 legs are needed not a devil as it gives life and all that is life is holy!

Anything else is???

Octapus on national geographic near recorded missing city!

God lives in water!

Yesisreal is a water sprite, like lighting that can be planted at birth and so there be born any day, yet with all understanding as the consiousness does it sees beyond what we think as we still think reality is this, they don't!

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