The Meaning of Life
Posted by wizanda on 1099133246
Started this when we were 8 years old and would love to know the answer...
On many levels, I can answer it, yet that is still only my perspective...
One is we are here to continue in the circle of life and that we need to reproduce and then teach our children, the skills they will need for life...
Yet that is only part of it...
From what i can see, our waste isn't waste as such; yet nutrients for the earth...
It's what makes soil and is full of nitrates and phosphates; which plants need to grow
So imagine if you created the earth in the first place:
What would you do, if you wanted the seeds to spread from fruit trees?
What would you do if you wanted to break the broken branches off trees; so they didn't then rot the tree?
What would you do if you want to make sure every plant got nutrients recycled, so it matched climatic changes?
It makes scientific and logical sense on this point; why do we leak?
what point is there in it?
If we evolved why would we still need to leak, all day?
If we were created, why?
So it is all very well us all polluting and carrying on as if we are separated from nature and there is no tomorrow....
yet we have been designed to work with it...
For many people, spending time in the garden or going out to the woods, is when they feel the most content...
OK then, why is this here many asked?
Well if it is all one and we worked with the world, we could make it into such a beautiful place; that would fulfill most people if there wasn't want...
There is many natural pillars and features of this earth, in alignment with the stars, so from the days of old, making this heaven on earth..
Christ also said heaven is at hand, again Paul's ideology was that of a castle style throne, so changing many peoples perspective...
So why would God exist?
Well in the beginning it says there was nothing and presumably this is correct...
So even with science, why the big bang?
Where did it come from? Who made it; so that atoms function together, as do quarks on a even smaller level?
Every level works; that isn't messed about with by us and still does work in symbiosis...
So some thing must of created all of this, for it to all function correctly...
But why?
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