Re: Industrial Society Destroys Mind and Environment

Posted by Guest on 1152048532
This seems to me to be more of a judgment about society then a plausible theory on how to live life. First of all who is to say how many people should be allowed to live? If we meet our quota, whatever that quota may be, who is going to be the one to put to death all the babies who surpass the quota? Also who is to decide who gets to live where if we aren't allowed to create cities? Secondly, does it really make sense to void ourselves of all thought and logic when people do not know how to control their emotions? What kind of society would we have if all we did was live by emotion? We would have a society that would be ruled by gut knee jerk reaction with people killing over the slightest infraction because they do not think to control their anger. They may regret it later and then again they may not because they wouldn't really be thinking about the consequences of their actions now would they? Unfortunately I cannot condone a manifesto based on guilt, supression, and judgment. God gave us free will so that we could learn from our mistakes. He is not judging us so why would we want to judge ourselves? The best way to change the world is to live by example.

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