
Posted by wizanda on 1152222507
Cosmic newsflash: Columnist Kelley Hunter is in New York State's Rhinebeck and Poughkeepsie this week. See schedule at end of article for specifics.

Aug. 20, 2004 - August in Montpelier, Vermont: The living power of myth!
The famed centaur Chiron recently spent a week on the campus green of Vermont College in Montpelier, Vt. Arriving via a resonant wormhole from his mythic hangout on Mount Pelion, Chiron came in the form of a life-size sculpture created by Kentucky artist Ben Fryman, a student in the college's visual arts master's program.
Vermont College of Union Institute and University is the home of alternative education programs based on the philosophy of American educator John Dewey, who promoted experiential as well as intellectual learning -- very Chironic.
Montpelier is the capital of the state that passed the first bottle return law, allows gay union but no highway billboards, and was governed by the recent chironic presidential candidate Howard Dean. Chiron felt right at home, sharing the green with other art installations: a white re-birthing tent and a canvas labyrinth decorated with painted galaxies, copper chimes and celestial brass spheres. Nearby was a tree planted in honor of a former faculty member, a writer on eco-psychology and Hiroshima, who took his own life. All these things are relevant to Chiron, who was performing his usual synchronistic magic, as a crossroads of multilevel connections. I was certainly in a personal time-space warp, visiting a place where I worked for many years.
For those to whom Chiron is new, this wise Greek centaur gave his name to an anomalous object discovered in 1977. Very small, with a quirky orbit that spans the gap between Saturn and Uranus, astronomers were reluctant to call it a planet, but it wasn't in the asteroid belt and it didn't qualify as a comet. So, they made up a new category for Chiron -- the centaur objects. A new door opened in our collective consciousness. Chiron creates a bridge between the personal and transpersonal dimensions. A master teacher and healer, Chiron is a shamanic archetype, a wounded healer who retreated from this world rather than live in immortal pain. At lower latitudes we see him as a constellation, the Centaur, that jumps over the Southern Cross. Its brightest star, Alpha Centauri, is the closest star to our solar system.
As I was standing in awed surprise, appreciating this mythic appearance, the artist himself passed by, of course. I recognized him because Chiron's face was a self-portrait: a kindly, serious, bearded visage. He was holding a woman in his right hand, reminiscent of King Kong, except they were evidently having a agreeable conversation.
Is it a cosmic coincidence that Chiron was crossing Ben's Sun-Venus conjunction when he crafted this sculpture? He was working on issues of masculine power in relation to the feminine, coming from his own recent experiences of being socially rewarded, then frowned upon for expressions of masculine aggression. I imagined he was in sports or the military, but did not have a chance to ask in our short conversation. In any case, the theme feels highly relevant for our times.
This month Chiron in Capricorn is closely opposed Saturn in Cancer. As the pushy patriarchy tightens its fist for control, the gentle yet firm protection of the spiritual warrior offers true homeland security. This opposition strongly suggests a turning point in collective manifestation. Saturn rules linear time, with specific duration and a spatial time-space reality. Chiron alters our experience of time through its heightened energy connection to transpersonal states. As with excited electrons at the subatomic level, new photons of light are thrown off. Virtual particles pop into being for just a moment. If we are looking for these new potentials, we will perceive them with our increasingly subtle awareness, pulling virtual reality into being. What energy we put out will attract resonant response from the cosmos, evoking magic moments of connection, quickening synchronicities.

"Synchronicity, the blue guitar of the soul, making silent music at the crossroads of time, there in the quickening moments of our lives."
-- Robert Grudin

Even before I saw Chiron, I knew I was in for an adventure, a healing quest, on my seasonal travels. I know that Chiron feeling: something has to give, it can't go on like this. It was so tempting to climb up on the statue's back for a ride, to hug his torso and feel the winds blowing through my hair. Fashioned from fiberglass painted to look like clay, Chiron was more fragile than he looked. He was flanked by signs to Keep Off. Ah, well, in the mythic realm, perhaps we can go on a shamanic ride with Chiron as we seek our own wholeness. Look to your Chiron for your quest and your healing. We are all growing out of the box, one way or another, into new crystalline shapes. Have a great ride****

Editor's note: Astrologer Kelley Hunter has Chiron conjunct her Sun and includes this centaur in all her readings. Most of the year she lives on St. John, U.S. Virgin Islands, where she leads stargazing nights. She is astrologer-in-residence for the Self Centre at Caneel Bay Resort and for the Omega Institute winter programs in the Caribbean. Hunter recently earned her doctoral degree in an interdisciplinary combination of philosophy, cosmology and myth. To be on her e-mail list for monthly articles or for an astrology consultation, write Explore her Web site here

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