Re: New Improvments in Xoops Speed by Zoops

Posted by GibaPhp on 1165831038
Hi Zan

Which is metodo that he is being used to survey the speed improvements

In scale order velocit is

1 - insert (no index is fast) with index is slow
If various index in table, insert is more slow.

2 - Update (key primary) no good, but candidate (unique) is possble, but not good too.
Update in various fields, with index, very slow. If not index in field for update, is very fast.

3 - Search fields and contents. If use index in search field, is very fast, but for update, is slow. This is one equacion and analysing for waht your have.

Obs: Please, send past to past about change index in fields and alter table of your experience. In my local test too with timestamp controle times. If (ganho) 0.0012 miliseconds, is very importante in 10.000 pageviews

Sorry my english is very poor my friend.

in portuguese

Qual é o metodo que está sendo usado para aferir as melhorias de velocidade

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