Re: The Bible Code

Posted by wizanda on 1171965651
Chuck Missler - Wikipedia
Conservative Christian it says on there and maybe one point that put me off, yet the codes are the same and i have used a computerized version of the same software to look my self....

Yet really it is a random pattern in some cases..the one where they find things in letter placed in word looking up and down is too random for my liking of official evidence.

Yet Codes like
Egypt = Man
Yeshua = Hook, plummet stone, Rook
I.e. as these are placed by the author, and can be confirmed by all.

Yet on the others try it your self and see what you find and you can find all you are doing is saying well here is an alphabet, lets use the letters from it to make words.
Well that is my opinion of some of it anyways....

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