Xoops and Smarty Sub Directories

Posted by wizanda on 1174996600
Since many Xoops sites using Smarty contain many files inside Cache and Template_c, the option to have sub-directories makes more sense to be switched on not off as it is currently.
This allows things like links and Tags which have huge file list for caches, these can then be found separately and thus making a more flick through page approach as currently Xoops can get lost when the files cached becomes to large. same applies on template_c which is also placed in Sub-directories for faster referencing of where the templates are.
Option is present in class/templates.php
set the option to true instead of false, clear template_c as it isn't automated and refresh general property page, so cache is cleared automatically and then Xoops will assign folders to modules for making a faster retrieval time on large scale sites.


Please also be aware that we use the latest copy of Smarty and am unsure how out of date Xoops own one is, yet all should be the same more or less.

This Post was from: https://www.wizanda.com/newbb/viewtopic.php?topic_id=1016&post_id=2918