Re: Cannabis information within all religions; to be religious infringement globally.

Posted by wizanda on 1187947301
Another post rephrased; all help spreading this truth is infinitely appreciated.

It is religious infringement globally to deny Cannabis as Holy!

1) In 1980 the Hebrew university officially announced that the anointing oil should be made with Cannabis, which can even be seen in a Strongs concordance (Kaneh Bosem).
2) In the Quran, we will sit on couches and drink ginger (Zanjabil) and Cannabis (Kafur translated as henna, which isn't pleasant to drink)
3) This list continues through most major religions globally...

So when a Christ is someone being anointed in holy oil, Christians are little version of this and so (Biblically) legally, are meant to also, like Christ was.

The fact it heals many aliments, as we are told in Mark 6:13 that the disciples used the anointing oil to heal....
Means we have a cure of the nations sitting waiting for us to pay attention, to what the books actually say...

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