Christians Should be Healing with Cannabis oil

Posted by wizanda on 1350464376
Exodus 30:23-24 has the anointing oil ingredients (all medicinal healing plants) and with THC (Kaneh-Bosem), it causes it to become a compound as THC is fat soluble.
In Mark 6:13 it tells us that the disciples also healed with anointing oil; most people presume it was some special power that only Christ had.
A Christ means an anointed one and Christians means little anointed ones; which is to be anointed in the holy anointing oil. Thus Christians should be like hippies (giving up wealth, not worry about clothes, money, live in a commune, etc); yet now they deny the basic tenants of being one.
In James 5:14 it states that if any are ill among us, to be anointed by the church; thus the church was ordained to be healing people with cannabis anointing oil.

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