I just wanted to add a recent experience I just had. I went to sign in with my local pagan chat group, and found I was banned. I was taken by complete surprise! I was in tears trying to figure out what I had done to offend. I couldn't even contact the moderator. I was lucky enough (guided) to have communicated recently, by email, with one of the members. She asked for me what I had done. Apparently, I offended them because I sent a link to a Christian site that has the most beautiful video, that to me, should be seen by all people, of all races and religions. It is called "The Interview", and if anyone is interested, here is their link:
http://www.theinterviewwithgod.com/home.html When I saw it, it moved me to tears. I thought, this is what it should be about.
Apparently one moderator did not agree. So ultimately, we are all human, and no matter what religion you say you are with, there will be people who are not open-minded.
Wizanda recently sent me something that I think will be my response from now on, "when asked what is your religion?......I replied my religion is kindness"
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