dude | www.AlienAdvice.com
Posted on: 2006/3/9 2:32 |
Not too shy to talk
2005/10/17 21:13 From Springfield, Mo
Hey people, here is a cool web site run by Heidi Hollis who councils humans, who have been abducted against their will. She also councils about shadow people, ghosts, angels, ect... It dont matter because this sister knows her power and authority in Jesus Christ and is doing amazing things with it. She has taken Yashua to a new level. Please support her and encourage her on her site and pray for her..
Also can be found at www.UFO2U.com, and scroll down to Heidi Hollis and look for her @ www.AlienAdvice.com...Have fun everybody, this sister rocks!!!! dude out.. ps- I noticed you cannot get to her link by clicking on www.AlienAdvice.com; however the link to www.UFO2U.com does work and you can scroll down to Hiedi's site and click there. I dont know why it dont link up. It does on another site called christianlinks. I posted it there and it works. However one moderator is threating to take it off the site. I dont get it, how are we supposed to learn, encourage and support others; with this type of activity? Somethings wrong in Denmark, and it aint the fried chicken, or oatmeal burgers..lol peace! | |
Ezekial 28: 18-20 And God shall cause a fire to spring up in satan, and he shall burn up in front of the saints, and never shall he be anymore. | ||
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dude | Re: Nature sings - Black Keys in music
Posted on: 2006/3/2 13:53 |
Not too shy to talk
2005/10/17 21:13 From Springfield, Mo
Hey I am completly lost. How do you stretch an E-flat? What on earth are you dudes talking about? I know about sounds tho. In America our government is bombarding our peoples with Haarp sounds and creating sickness and disease of all kinds on the masses. All our hospitals are full to overflowing, there are so many sick people in america. Much of this sickness is from sound energy that we cant hear, produced by evil people hiding within our various government departments.
Now I know there are healing sounds also. Its just that someone has found out the bad ones and are bombing my country with them, too make trillions of dollars from the medical industry; to buy the world up with this excess money..Thats what I think is going on. Whoever they are, they belong with the medical industry and pharmecutical industrys also. Sounds, energy waves, music, birds singing, it all means something doesnt it? Its curious to learn from reading about 400 books on metaphysics, that there are 7 astral planes, and each plane corresponds with one of the seven octaves on a piano. The creation of this planet and its corresponding 7 astral planes, are in harmony and the same frequencys of the 7 octaves on a piano. That means sound is tied to everything concerning humans, seen and unseen? This goes way past music..."Om" | |
Ezekial 28: 18-20 And God shall cause a fire to spring up in satan, and he shall burn up in front of the saints, and never shall he be anymore. | ||
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dude | Re: Frozen Light - The Crystal Lightworker Companion
Posted on: 2006/3/2 3:05 |
Not too shy to talk
2005/10/17 21:13 From Springfield, Mo
Hey Suzq, dont ya have some earth beads on a necklace or something? Thats Gia shining thru some of your tastes. lol
Hey Snow, I just found your post to me in the thread, who or what is the devil?..I responded to your questions in post # 53 in that thread. I tried the email address, but it didnt work soz get back with me on that.. is there a pm service on this web? How do ya access it? Same to you Wiz. My email for now is erts8@localnet.com" title="roberts8@localnet.com">roberts8@localnet.com - address to dennis or dude. Its my moms pc. Hey snow, you are a cool drink of mountian water. Thanks for that Rose. Where did you find that at? Is it on this site? anywho gotta go, cath you later. Thinking of you, I feel your presence and vibes..cool ...peace! | |
Ezekial 28: 18-20 And God shall cause a fire to spring up in satan, and he shall burn up in front of the saints, and never shall he be anymore. | ||
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dude | Re: Who or what is the devil!
Posted on: 2006/3/2 2:42 |
Not too shy to talk
2005/10/17 21:13 From Springfield, Mo
Hi Snow, I just found this post from you.. I tried your email but it didnt work, will try another way. About the abductions and your questions. Ther are several support groups, mostly christain, but not all are. They have found that anyone using strong will power to resist, is usually brought back. Also anyone who starts praying or calling out to God or Jesus, are suddenly brought back. They just stop and unhook them and bring them back.
The root cause seems to be about making hybreds. All abductions storys by women is the same. They take them when their eggs drop from the overys, they take the eggs out and return the women. They eggs are alive, by mixing dna reptile and human, or other combinations, they have created various types of human/animal hybreds. They look human and mostly are but have other dna in them. This allows various types of people looking critters, but maybe are telepathically in touch with the grays when walking down around on earth, on various missions. It seems their is a hiarchy. Some hybreds are more spiritual and less dense. These tend to live in the etheric realms controlling the grays. At the top appear to be the fallen angels. This is thier technology, for various reasons and purposes. This appears to be the root cause, to build a hiarchy of supervisors in the etheric and human plane for a one world government. The all seeing eye on the back of americas dollar bill could represent the hybreds, at that level. They see into both worlds. Below the eye is a 33 step pryamid, which are the various levels of awareness peoples have. At the very bottom level would be very material types with hardly any awareness of spiritusal things. Those at the all seeing eye level tend to see into both worlds. Many elite and oligarchial bloodlines have been compromised and have reptile dna in them. Many physics and aura seers tell us that they look human but their spirits look reptile. Sometimes one can see the slitted eyes of the reptile shining thru the humans eyes as they talk on TV or whatever. I have seen more than my share, but then I magnetized myself to that for a while, to check it all out and such. I learned a lot the last 5 years..I wished we lived closer, I'd take ya to a Diary Queen and by you a banana split and tell you all about it..lol You are right it takes a certian attitude and empowerment that seems to work. However the major ufo magazines and journals have yet to push this fact hardly at all. But some abductees have spoken out and got their experiences posted in various places. I will try and get back to you about some cool websites that explore this some. If ya want to help and empower some others by dialoge, check out www.iwasabducted.com and register and sign in and go to the chat rooms(area51) and find out the times they are there. Theres some cool people there. Thats a secular place but is a safe haven for abductees to talk. Their moderator doesnt let people jack with them. Anywho thanks for the rose ya sent me, same back to you girl.. I dont know how to access much on this site yet. I have been gone for awhile too. My email is erts8@localnet.com...If" title="roberts8@localnet.com...If">roberts8@localnet.com...If you have another email address please send it to me addressed Dude or dennis, is my real name. Thanks so much for your kindness and wonderful vibes sent my way.. same back to ya!!!Anywho I gotta go, i will have to be at the hospital for a couple of days with my mom; and dont know when I'll get back here. Looking forward to it tho. peace.....flowers and butterflys to you! | |
Ezekial 28: 18-20 And God shall cause a fire to spring up in satan, and he shall burn up in front of the saints, and never shall he be anymore. | ||
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