The references to the whore, is in the sense of that a women is counted mainly in the Bible and in the book of revelations, as wisdom, or more a way of wisdom in the knowledge of God. In revelations the whore is a reference to that people worship something other then God alone. This is symbolic of Christ, through the writing of the books of John and Paul they portrayed Christ as a dragon (got people to worship him), which he was not and in Matthew Mark and Luke, we can see this.
The dragon gives its authority to the beast, the Pharisee rewrote the Bible i.e. the books of John and Paul, so making a lot of people believe they should worship man i.e. Christ. Yet this is what it means by a harlot, as you are sharing your soul with others. The reason it is called the mother of all harlots, is that from this all churches have spread. So the whore is only a symbolic reference; where as heaven really doesn't have different sexes and images.
The fact that many people see these things with images sometimes, is that, is all their spirit can cope with and it makes it easier for them to understand as images are far easier to remember.