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Re: The cause of differences and quarrel among beliefs?
Posted on: 2005/6/6 18:00 |
Joined: 2004/3/26 7:04
From Nottingham, UK
Ok if you rephrase this question, as i just noticed it says faiths......
Have people not realised faith is feeling, you do not need a religions to have a faith
On the other hand a belief is what causes, the problem as you think your belief is right
This is down to Paul in the bible, as he often used the words 'the faith' to mean christians
So since then we have a bigger problem, as many believe that without a religions ie 'the faith' we can not know God
Yet the ones who do know God have faith, just not a religion. as this in many case distracts from the diversity of God
Peace B with U
Re: The cause of differences and quarrel among beliefs?
Posted on: 2005/6/7 20:55 |
Not too shy to talk 
Joined: 2005/5/31 2:19
I sure hope I can articulate my answer a little bit better than previously! Mostly when I am online, it is the middle of the night and I am very tired and my mind is fuzzy!
ok. Well, christians believe that you have to be born again. That means that we are all born once of the flesh and then once we have knowledge of Christ we are accountable for that. A baby who doesn't have the chance to have knowledge is therefor exempt from this requirement. If they die before or after birth then then go straight to heaven to the arms of God.
Yes, holy men politicians and the like have all said we should work together. But this is also a biblical principal also. Why couln't it work? Because the very nature of man is selfish in many ways. Even god-fearing dedicated people may not act selfish but it is a daily battle to die to yourself. Not everyone cares about the rain forest. I try not to use to much paper and write on both sides. I recycle when I can. I don't eat very much meat but I am working on that. I wish I didn't like it. I have to gross myself out to not eat it! I use artificial trees for christmas and in the grocery line i prefer reusable plastic over paper because I DO care about the rainforest and the people who live there. I love this planet and it is difficult to watch suffering from a distance. So I give to people I know who are helping the hungry, the naked the imprisoned, the homeless. There are large organizations such as Benny Hinn who pay total support for orphanages and such. THere are also regular every day people from my church that go out on missions and I support them when I can. I am not wealthy and can hardly afford any of this but as the opprotunity presents itself, I use it.
I also must object to you saying that God never took human flesh. Jesus, Yeshua, was said to be 100% God and 100% man in that His bloodline and spirit came from God but he was born of a woman and took on flesh. YOu don't believe that and that is your choice.
So why do we quarrel and fuss and what are the causes of our differences? The stupid devil who has thrown us into confusion. He causes chaos and every other sin and has a good laugh at all of us trying to figure out who is right and who is not. It shouldn't be about WHO is right. It should be about WHAT is right. We have no tolerance for those who don't believe our way and it is reprehensible. It is disgusting.
All I know is that I have no fear of anything. Death, whatever! Don't care if I die but am looking forward to heaven. I have shared my views so I am content in that.
Re: The cause of differences and quarrel among beliefs?
Posted on: 2005/6/8 21:16 |
More things to think about: You said: "ok. Well, christians believe that you have to be born again. That means that we are all born once of the flesh and then once we have knowledge of Christ we are accountable for that. A baby who doesn't have the chance to have knowledge is therefor exempt from this requirement. If they die before or after birth then then go straight to heaven to the arms of God."
Catholics are Christians and they don't believe in rebirth. This demonstrates that withing Christianity there is conflict of "belief." Any group can believe anything they want even though senseless and call that "the word of God." That is a defamation of God and a defamation of intelligence, reasoning. True knowledge is consistent throughout.
You said: "I also must object to you saying that God never took human flesh. Jesus, Yeshua, was said to be 100% God and 100% man in that His bloodline and spirit came from God but he was born of a woman and took on flesh. YOu don't believe that and that is your choice."
It is a matter of simple reasoning. Why God himself needs to experience suffering? perhaps He needs to be punished? That is not reasonable. To talk about "bloodline from God" ... what is the bloodline of a soul? Moreover to say that God is sending himself to pay for the original sin of Adam and Eve it is as irrational as saying that He is sending his own son...besides, what is the free-will that any human being has if from the beginning everyone is a "sinner"? for a "sin" that I have not performed?.. and then God sends his son or "part" of himself to "pay" this debt...This is a little too much...
Jesus gave teachings and these teachings have been misinterpreted....2000 years later things are even worse than before (even though the "debt" has been paid.) It is time to see this with fresh new eyes.
Re: The cause of differences and quarrel among beliefs?
Posted on: 2005/6/9 3:57 |
Not too shy to talk 
Joined: 2005/5/31 2:19
well not to anger catholics but we are not of the same faith. their catacism says the same things that we believe but each termonology means something else. Like born again means a spiritual rebirth to us and something entirely different to them. But there are spirit-filled catholics and they beleive what I do. even protestants believe differently from each other. It is denominational differnces. We still have the same basis for our faith. I am not saying that catholics are not christains. But some of them will actually say that if I ask,"are you a christain?" Muslims have different factions ect..
It is ok to believe differently but it is not ok to assume you are right about everything. Then it becomes more important to a person to be right and to have the last word no matter what somebody else could contribute to your experience in life.
I really resent being told that my statements are a defamation of God when they are His words in his book. Are you claiming christianity? If you are not then you can not comment on what is a defamation in my faith. I love God. I don't even think you believe in christ so why are you assaulting my faith and my lord? You can read up all you want but understanding comes with Gods aid through prayer sometimes fasting and always the Holy Spirit.
The blood thing, well it's like this...
When adam and eve brought sin into the world then God who loved us wanted to make a way for us to be close to him again because sin separates us from God. So He prophesied over eve and said that one day the devil would bite the heel of her seed and her seed would crush his head. Then after many years of blood sacrifice, God found one who was a faithful friend to Him and called him out of his land to give him an inheritance. This would be Abraham. When Abraham had Issac God commanded him to take him to mt moriah and sacrifice him. When Abraham showed that he had faith in God and was willing to do this very thing, God made him stop and provided a ram instead. Then God said that because he was willing to offer and not withhold the most important part of his life and his inheritance by the way, then God promised that He would do the same.
Stop trying to figure out God like He has a formula. God opperates outside of the box. He is eternal. He sees the end from the beginning but because he is holy, he allows us to make choices. And because He is holy , He keeps his promises. So, Jesus came along and died for our sins.
Now for years I always felt bad that Jesus had to go through so much suffering before and during the cross. I still do. But I understand it now.
No, I don't know if God has blood. I guess I'll figure that out later. But the old testament say that when cain killed able, his blood cried out to him from the ground. I wonder what it said? Maybe avenge me, or save me?I wonder what Jesus' blood cried out that day? "Forgive them? " only God would know that. But then later when God was giving instuction into the preparation of meat He said to cook the meat thoroughly because the life was in the blood. So my point here would be that life is in the blood. Now do you see why I am saying God had to give him his own blood? It had the life in it (the spirit.) when you bleed if you bleed to much you die. That is where your life is. wether or not you eat meat , please don't bring that up again. It is not the point.
you are missing however, this point and a lot of people don't understand it....THE TRINITY
There is God the Father whom we all recognize. There is God the Son who sits on the right hand of God interceeding on our behalf. He is the only way to God. He said so, "For I am the way the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father but by Me." And when questioned during His trial, he was asked are you the King of the Jews? to which he responded,"I AM" The Hebrew interpretation say the words"iam" were the same hebrew words used whe God announced to moses that he was '' I AM THAT I AM" Then there is the Spirit of God Who lives in those who believe and ask Jesus to be the Lord of their life.
When we Pray we ask God, in the name of Jesus, to do what we need Him to do. When God answers the prayer He commisions the Holy Spirit to do His work on earth.
Notice that God has never left us. He was there in the Garden where he made for man a home ect... He made sure through sacrifice that we could still be near Him after sin came into the world. Melchizadek was considered to be christ on earth because He had no father or mother and had great wealth that noone knew how he attained it. People paid tithes to Him also. but that is another debate!!! Then Jesus became our sacrifice. For the joy set before Him He endured the cross. Then, when Jesus went to heaven to sit on the right hand of God, He sent His Holy spirit to guide us and comfort us.
No, God did not NEED to experience suffering. Jesus chose it . The reasons for all your questions have been explained.That is now where faith comes in. nobody totally understands it. You have to allow God to reveal it. The truth makes the devil angry and he will stir you up and you will more than likely tell me I am an idiot again. Oh well, not a problem.
I may have said this earlier. But God knew you would mess up and so would the rest of the world. Free will is something you do because you chose to do it or not to do it. It is up to you. That is why we need the covering of the blood on the mercy seat. It is there forever and we have but to claim it and ask God to redirect us when we mess up.
And here is a quick story to clarify Gods' reasoning behind the death of his son.
A man and his son went for a walk one day. They began to walk on the railroad tracks. When the came to the crossties were the rails would have to shift for the train to go the other way, they heard a train coming. In their hurry the boy caught his foot in the rails. The father looked up and saw that he was stuck but he also noticed that up ahead the bridge was out. So, with the train coming he knew he had to make it go the other way to save the lives of everyone on the train. But if he moved the rails his son would surely die. Either way he was goin to have to make a decision quickly . He loved on his son and asked him what to do. Daddy, I couldn't live with myself if all those people died. Do what ever you have to do. So the man loved on his son and kissed and held him as long as he dared and with tears in his eyes and a broken heart, he ran over and pulled the lever just in time. Nobody looked and nobady saw the tears, the blood or the sacrifice. They lived and went on with their lives. But the father lived with it forever. The sons' sacrifice.
This is how we are. thoughtless as to the great effort, the sweating of blood, the grief that the Father and the Son went through and still do as we run them over and go about our daily lives.
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