Oneness - True Faith
Re: CREATION OF UNIVERSE Posted on: 2005/6/27 13:56

"That is WHY He leaves mysteries, so that we will ask questions and build a relationship with Him."

There is a need to know about God to talk about him. God's task is not to "answer questions." (However, He gives knowledge) God is the benefactor, beyond experience being peace, love, knowledge, bliss and happiness. God dwells in a region beyond the physical world which was known as "parandham", "brahman", "soul world", "supreme abode", "nirvana", etc. God has at this time all relationships with us, Not because He "wants" but because when there is love there is no reason for it. According to the time, He needs to reveal himself now. His task is to remind us who we really we become ready...

Many have searched for God throughout history. None have been able to find him. In our intellect there was a trace of who He was, we use to know him... all the religions started with special souls which remembered that experience; however, it wasn't accurate...Their teaching were interpreted as people saw these teachings fit their interests....the path of devotion began. Devotion because, we had this glimpse of knowing God, but for lack of knowledge we fabricated fantastic stories about him with the aim to show His might, His power... All devotion without knowledge.

I gave a link in my last post. Someone with healthy curiosity and whose mind is not afraid but rather has an honest heart and love for truth should at least find out what is all about. I am not trying to convince anyone, but gave some reasons to think about. Everyone is free to think what comes into their mind.. but there is only one truth... most rather sit in the comfortable but dull seat of those who just follow whatever "the authority" says, the "priest", the "holy man" says without understanding and without daring to find for themselves what your life is all about... without the burning desire to find the matter if it goes against preconceived notions... It takes a lot of guts to do it. You will not be the same. Without this passion for truth, for God; life becomes monotonous, dull..."the same ol' same ol' thing", but some say comfortable...just as an over fed pet, comfortable to be inside the cage of a "follower" of traditions but without the experience of life that resides out there... without the courage of stepping out of the door to know for himself...
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Re: CREATION OF UNIVERSE Posted on: 2005/6/27 15:28
2004/3/26 7:04
From Nottingham, UK
Posts: 2923
You say and keep saying, no one has seen God?

I have and can remember who and what God is, that is what i have been trying to describe!

I have double checked, what I saw against most religious books to confirm as well!

Also a lot of what these people saw confirms that!

Near Death Experience Research

As well as their views, I am elohim (angel) and knew I was sent since young.

So I saw what God and the universe, is made up of. On a level that would destroy most spirits, as it is very intense why I have trouble relating it all into words.

Yet I will try my best to relate as much as possible to you all.

Peace N love B with U
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Re: CREATION OF UNIVERSE Posted on: 2005/6/27 16:02
Just popping in
2005/2/15 15:57
Posts: 18
With our physical eyes. NOBODY can "see" God. Except through visions. You can have those visions through the opening of what it has been called the "third eye", which is nothing else but soul consciousness. However, you don't gain nothing by just having visions.
Everything that exists has a name and form. God is a soul. A soul is an infinitesimal point of light. Just like you and I. We are souls. Souls cannot "see" unless they take a physical body. Because we are souls, we can think. We have thoughts.

Due to the fact that we don't know this and we still think that we are the body, the illusion of a body, we have lost our divinity and our ability to have that connection with God.
Soul consciousness is the way to have an experience of God and your own immortality.
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Re: CREATION OF UNIVERSE Posted on: 2005/6/27 17:13
2004/3/26 7:04
From Nottingham, UK
Posts: 2923
Ok then why do I and other like me who have had near death experiences, come back being able to explain what was there, and all stories match???
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