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will religions join with the returning of Jesus?
Posted on: 2005/6/28 12:59 |
Just popping in 
Joined: 2005/6/23 11:55
It is a fact that those centres of power that have religion and its moral values in their sights have combined the wide opportunities at their disposal and are acting in alliance against people who have religious beliefs. It is actually not that difficult to destroy, in the ideological sense, that wicked alliance, to eliminate the negative and destructive effects of atheist- materialist indoctrination, and to bring about a society where proper morality, happiness, peace, security and well-being prevail. The one way of doing that lies in the three revealed religions (Islam, Judaism and Christianity) joining forces in the light of that common objective. The task of sincere Christians, Jews and Muslims who possess a conscience and common sense is to wage a joint struggle against evil and those who engage in it, to help one another and to act in a spirit of unity and cooperation. That unity must rest on the principles of love, respect, tolerance, understanding, harmony and cooperation. We must bear in mind the urgency of the situation, and factors likely to give rise to conflict, argument and division must be scrupulously avoided. Here, Jews, Christians and Muslims are called to join in the light of common objectives to wage a joint struggle against atheism, social and moral degeneration, and to spread good morals throughout the world. This call is to all the sincere, scrupulous, benevolent, agreeable, decent, pacifist, and just Jews, Christians and Muslims. http://www.unionoffaiths.comhttp://www.harunyahya.com
Re: will religions join with the returning of Jesus?
Posted on: 2005/9/27 23:11 |
Just can't stay away 
Joined: 2005/9/25 0:48
From Stockton California
yes with the return of Jesus the peoples will unite... i'm not going to say religions... because when jesus comes back we will not need religions anymore.. for only those people who are caring and loving will be saved, and we will already know God. There will be no need for any further worship of religion... because we will have it right... the message of love will be here on Earth, and we will transcend into heaven... not literally, but metaphorically, Earth will become Heaven, because we will make it so.
Re: will religions join with the returning of Jesus?
Posted on: 2005/9/28 8:07 |
Joined: 2004/3/26 7:04
From Nottingham, UK
I feel many people have got muddled up with what Christ said. You see the son of man is to come first, from what I can see and prophecies I fulfil that's me. Yet when Christ comes back as Daniel and Yeshua said him self, he will come on the clouds, with the host of Heaven. I was also told this as 15 that the host of heaven are coming back. I don't think many people realise the implications of this, heaven is so bright and such an advanced energy unless you are of frequency. Your physical and spiritual body can not accept this. When this is here as also foretold, there will be no need for books, as it is in heaven. As the light of God feeds all of heaven, with in even the slightest breeze of Gods breath is infinite wisdom and knowledge. You no longer need to learn you simply accept that God knows all and any question, is also the answer; as soon as you think why? The answer is already there from God. The true name of heaven is Oneness, with everyone accepting each other and being at one. There is no need for man made religions, in fact a lot of these produce EGO which is hell. Saying all of that though, God's hand is still stretched out, and so we may have a chance to resolve it first. Yet I do feel many are too stubborn like goats or like sheep and would rather follow their forefathers, then try for Oneness and resolve the differences.
Re: will religions join with the returning of Jesus?
Posted on: 2005/10/12 21:25 |
Dude here - I am not sure I agree with this. Muslims are not very moralistc with their women. They tend to treat them like slaves or second class citizens. Also the Ottomen empire of muslims was sent out to destroy christianity. They are not tolerant of other religions either, especially christianity, or jews. They dont like people who belive Jesus was the son of God, who came to earth to die, so he could get the keys to death and the grave. Muslims feel that belief, is blashemous and needs to be wiped of the face of the earth. True muslims are not tolerant at all. I am not talking about the average joe who goes to a temple as part of a routine. I am talking about those moslims who take their religion seriously, they are dangerous to any other belief system.
T he religions will be destroyed by the coming Kingdom of God as spoken of in Daniel 2:44. The New Jerusalem will come back with it. It will land on Mt Olives and split that Mt into a valley 1,500 miles across. This earthqauke will be worldwide, and it will destroy most religions at that time. The bible tells us that Gods people will be given a new name when this happens. I think the churchs name will be called, The Lord our Rightuosness. But I am not sure, the bible mentions that title tho and it has not yet been applied to any group, so its probably the kingdom age when its applied.
As far as the Jews go, I am not sure they have any advantage either. They have rejected too many parts of the truth to be in a safe zone. Religions or denominations do not mean squat, to God or the truth. They have all been compromised by satanic forces one way or another. I think christian denominations are probably the worst. There is no freedom of thought, or freedom of consciousness there either. If you are a sabbath keeper, ya cant talk about it in sunday keeping churches because they kick you out. Pollce have been called on friends of mine trying to do just that. People have been beat up for trying to bring more bible truths to denominations. Its all perverted and sick. And just like the bible says, it has become the home of every foul bird, and snake. The bible doesnt lie....
The only one who can pull rightousness together, in a way to make a difference for the nations, is Jesus Christ. And he will do that when the New Jerusalem comes to earth to start the last harvest of humanity. Untill that happens, any efforts by governments and alliances, will come to nothing. For even the bible tells us, when they say "peace, peace", then sudden destruction shall come..
God is not to be trifled with, many nations and religions havnt figured that out yet, but soon enough, they will find out; but it will be to late. Jesus does not come back as a lamb, but Jesus comes back as a roaring Lion. A roaring Lion devours and conquers. And thats whats going to happen when this "Kingdom of God" appears. It will kill millions, if not billions of wicked pretenders, of the faith, just from the earthquake alone, which is caused by the New Jeruslame settling on earth. When Jesus comes back, all hell will brake loose upon this planet. And religions, cultures will all be damned, if they dont line up in truth and right doing...
Nope its not goint to work; muslims, jews and christians joining forces, because the moment they do that - sudden destruction comes... peace
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