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Re: Are Visitors from Space misinterpreted?
Posted on: 2005/10/27 19:59 |
that sounds very nice dude, the golden card and all lol... i think i had one of those a while back after graduating from military school, but i have misplaced it. doh!
Re: Are Visitors from Space misinterpreted?
Posted on: 2005/11/1 20:14 |
look, aliens are concerned with our social complex, in the last 100 years we have gone from walking and riding horses to nuclear and thermal not to mention scalar weaponry. We have weapons that can destroy whole planets. Now from a galactic point of view, i'd be very concerned about the future of mankind and their impact they may have on nearby solar systems, when they were able to gain the technologies needed to traverse space. It's very simple, there's no aliens abducting babies and putting them in tanks, or aliens abducting humans and creating alien hybrids. There's no galactic war going on over earth pushing satan and his minions into the lake of fire, stop with the fairy tells, you're stopping the truth from ever getting out, and possibly saving humanity.
Re: Are Visitors from Space misinterpreted?
Posted on: 2005/11/1 20:19 |
They're just like me and you dude! they're just like em and you! get outsid of earth and it's religious dogmas and social doctrines. Think from an outsiders point of view. You know we'll have the technology soon, what happens when we visit a planet that doesn't have space travel yet? Do we suddenly become satans minions and angels? YES in fact we do! Because we become the realm of the unknown to them. We can now think inside the realm of the "unknown"... do it! AHHHHHH Satan and his minions, for all i know you could be one of them lol. There is no Satan. There is only God and his Angels, but they are outside of our current perceptions of these things. Work on getting the truth out Dude, not sticking to your beliefs! the hardest thing to do is to gte the truth out, just do it! you know there is no galactic war going on right now over our heads 'cmon man! you let me down.
Re: Are Visitors from Space misinterpreted?
Posted on: 2005/11/1 20:24 |
i am taken back by the comment i made earlier about skinny E.T.'s... it makes no sense whatever. The type of technology they use cancels out all G-forces. Their skinny and frail appearances may just be because they are like you and me, they come in different shapes and sizes, different diets, different eating habits etc. that was very ignorant, sorry. Religion is a direct reflection of our awakening awareness... the more we started to realize what the stars were et... the more we documented things. The more things were confused, but it's okay, because right now we are going through another... and the final phase of awareness. and all will be left behind.
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