Oneness - True Faith
Re: The 7th Beggar has Rejected Messianic Prophecy for the Rabbinic Jews Posted on: 2023/11/11 9:32
2004/3/26 7:04
From Nottingham, UK
Posts: 2872
7th is now telling me not to ask silly questions in his room, not to send him Private Messages, and not to address that he has been specifically asked to fulfil Jewish prophecy before Judgement Day.

7th has been given the verdict by someone provable as the King of Kings, where our name is prophesied globally as the Head of the Divine Council, and the name of the Creator; yet 7th refuses to acknowledge any religious contexts outside of his own beliefs.

According to my understanding of the prophetic timelines:
Since 7th decided the first day we met to reject everything I was saying, as clearly someone claiming to be an angel who fulfilled prophecy in the Bible must be mad, and thus hasn't detailed a majority of what is taking place.

7th has been given the knowledge to help the Children in the Tale by Rabbi Nachman regain their kingdom, by giving them the knowledge to make them worthy of being in the Messianic Age, and without it they will all be slaughtered in the Great Tribulation.

There are all these verses of the Lord coming with the Final Trumpet (Zechariah 9:14 (Isaiah 29:6-7, Jeremiah 23:19), Zephaniah 1:16-18, Joel 2:1, Isaiah 18:3, Jeremiah 4:21, Hosea 8:1, Jeremiah 6:17), which is also the Christian Rapture, where they get to meet the Messiah on the Sky, Clouds, and Lightning (Internet),

7th refuses to announce that the Jewish prophecies are being fulfilled, and blames me for repeating myself 17+ years, as prophesied in Luke 18:2-8; where this shows that he is a 'Fake Jew' with his 'Congregation of Accusers' ('Synagogue of Satan') Revelation 3:9-12, and I have the New Name of Christ (Sananda), the Name of the New Jerusalem (Zion), the Name of the Creator (Zan), and the Name of the Archangel who is a Pillar in the Temple of God (Sandalphon).

7th knows that I came to him saying a Red Robin called me "Adoni Melchizedek" 17+ years ago, where I'd no clue what it meant, so asked him, and then realized later it was a fulfilment of Isaiah 46:11; where he was meant to warn the Rabbis because they made up the Gospel of John, they are about to be charged for it by God.

Plus in Isaiah 46:9 he is meant to help show the Rabbinic Jews they've muddled up their theology since Babylon, where by rejecting the Divine Council, and replacing their religion for a form of Henotheism, they've rejected their Divine Being Yeshua (Deuteronomy 32:15), and are about to be incinerated unless they fix it.

Since 7th hasn't attempted to fulfil the Jewish prophecies, Armageddon is still set to happen, Judgement Day will still take place, and he has basically sentenced you all to death; so whereas it is just me pestering him every day, I ask anyone reading this to go to his room, and ask why he would allow everyone you know to die, without fully investigating the topic he is meant to be an expert of.

N B with U
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Re: The 7th Beggar Has Chosen to End the Human Race Posted on: 1/10 15:51:53
2004/3/26 7:04
From Nottingham, UK
Posts: 2872
7th has now banned me from speaking about people & their intentions; I believe this could be so he doesn't have to reconsider it is being immoral to end people's existences.

7th is basically playing the role of the devil, against the person named after the archangel of the Lord.

7th has clearly been told, and thus is knowingly sentencing the human race to be wiped out - just so he can win a chatroom debate, with me asking him to take Jewish prophecy more seriously.

Soon according to prophecy Armageddon happens, where many will be slaughtered, at that same time Betelgeuse is prophesied to go supernova.

7th as a professor of Kabbalah has chosen to act as an authority for all the Rabbinic Jews, and to answer for all of you to cease to exist; with me asking him to look into what he is talking about.

I think the outcome prophesied Biblically, is for him to be locked up as the devil for infinity - as he seems to create disciples who are also malicious & slanderous.

N B with U
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Re: 7th & Olam Won't Question Unless Experts Agree Posted on: 3/19 9:13:23
2004/3/26 7:04
From Nottingham, UK
Posts: 2872
Even though my main reason for talking to The Seventh Beggar for almost 18 years now, is to fulfil prophecy of Luke 18:2-8, Revelation 3:9-12, where the people get to meet the Lord/Messiah upon the sky, 7th and Olam Chesed Yibaneh refuse to question the case unless experts agree...

The problem with this is, that they were appointed to get the experts as a fulfilment of prophecy before Armageddon, and then Judgement Day.

So within this last year I've wrote to:

What everyone isn't realizing, and I really, really need some help from anyone reading this, as I've been sent with the name of the Creator across a majority of the world's religions to try to fix religion, and without any help you're all going to get wiped out soon.

Here are a list of places the Lord in the Bible comes to plead the case before Judgement Day: Isaiah 3:13,  Isaiah 34:8, Isaiah 49:25, Isaiah 51:22, Micah 6:2, Joel 3:2, Jeremiah 25:31, Ezekiel 20:35, Hosea 4:1.

7th's latest rule is both of us are not allowed to make the topic about each other, where it has to be about our religious doctrines; as it has got very personal, where we both accuse each other of misrepresenting each other's beliefs.

N B with U
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Re: 7th Beggar & Olam Have Decided to End the Human Race Posted on: 3/29 4:25:30
2004/3/26 7:04
From Nottingham, UK
Posts: 2872
7th Beggar has submitted that he supports my right to believe that I fulfil Biblical prophecy as the return of King David/Yeshua/Zion, with the name of the archangel of the Lord, before Armageddon in the Middle East, and understands that I believe by his declaration to purposely ignore prophecy, he is choosing to kill the Rabbinic Jews.

Olam Chesed Yibaneh also has submitted, that no experts would believe the amount of evidence that we have from religious texts globally, and has also asked for a date of Israel's destruction, as he & 7th think that if the date doesn't happen, it proves what I believe to be Biblical prophecy fake.

Personally I'd rather fix religion globally as I've asked them for, and to share the data globally to save mankind; yet they've decided with their Christian congregation of accusers (Synagogue of Satan - Revelation 3:9-12), to end the human race, and think that this is logical behaviour.

N B with U
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