Oneness - True Faith
How 7th Beggar has Decided Humanity's Fate Posted on: 8/25 11:04:03
2004/3/26 7:04
From Nottingham, UK
Posts: 2896
I've explained to 7th for 18 years that I fulfilled Revelation 10 at 21 years old, three years before reading the Bible. Revelation 10 speaks of the 'Angel coming down as a Pillar from Heaven', with 'a small scroll, that is sweet to taste & bitter when consumed'.

Due to our conversations, when 7th the professor of Kabbalah said that, "there are no Archangels that sound anything like Sananda (New Name of Christ) in Judaism", I went to look up the exact opposite in Kabbalah's angelology, and found that Sandalphon is the Pillar (Revelation 10:1)/Trunk on the base of the Tree of Life. The name reference of Sandalphon & Sananda (Revelation 3:12), then interlinks the naming of the Messiah/Avatar with many different religious concepts globally.

The scroll that I was given by God at 21 years old, is a part of an advanced religious prophecy that I've shared with 7th to save everyone's existences, and yet 7th has kept this knowledge back to himself, as he says "he doesn't buy my bs"; though I've told him quite clearly it is meant for everyone as part of Jewish prophetic fulfilment.

The prophetic scroll in the Bible has been misunderstood by most, and could be used as an advanced education system, rather than for everyone to be destroyed because of it - when these could be rectifiable differences.

The test within the scroll starts in Isaiah 8, where it talks of a Snare being set among the Nations by Immanuel - which shall be continued by Zechariah son of Y-Berechiah in chapter 5. The contexts within the scroll 'shall catch out people on both sides', of 'those who would steal what isn't theirs', and 'those who would swear false oaths to achieve it'. The test is to see who are 'Quick to the Spoils, and who Hasten to the Prey' (Mahershalalhashbaz) to steal their reward.

Parts of this test makes the Bed of Adultery in Isaiah 28 verse 9-19, where in verse 20-21, it tells us it is the Bed of Adultery in Hebrew - it is often translated as 'the Lord will do a strange act', when the Hebrew could be translated as an 'adulterous act'.

Isaiah 28:15+18 says how they've made a Covenant with Death about the Chief Corner Stone in Isaiah 28:16, and think when Judgement comes, they will survive, as they believe in the death of the Messiah to save them, when instead they will be condemned. Thus because 7th has refused to warn the Rabbis they're about to be sentenced for making up Christianity, both the Rabbinic Rebels, and the Christians will soon be removed from reality unless we fix their understanding of the Bible. Thus currently 7th has made the decision on his own to murder billions of people, with me pleading with him 18 years to change his mind, and to help them through the education system to survive.

Isaiah 28:9 references me being taught advanced concepts by God since early childhood, where many of these details I've been taught could fix theological errors globally. In Isaiah 28:4 this is what Yeshua cited in the prophesied Parable of the 'Fig before Summer'. Now it does say in Isaiah 28:11-13, though I come speaking a different language to our people, they will reject their warnings, and Judgement will then still come on mankind because of it. Currently though I've asked 7th & Olam to share this with the Rabbis, they've refused, and so I did write to Ephraim Mirvis in August 2023, just prior to the Hamas attack on October 7th, and then wrote to the London Beth Din informing them of the coming Judgement on Israel, where all these Rabbinic Jews have ignored their warnings.

Ezekiel 3 is cross-referenceable with Revelation 10, where it is of this final warning before Judgement Day; where both contain the 'small scroll sweet to taste, and bitter when consumed', with a being sent to the Rebellious House of Israel to warn them of their coming Judgement. This is because of them defiling God's principles, where Saul's infiltration created the Bed of Adultery i.e. Christianity and in the process they've confused theology globally.

In Isaiah 46:9 this records that 'El is not like the Elohim', and that in Isaiah 46:11 I was called "Adonai Melchizedek" by a red robin when gardening, and hadn't read the Bible at this point, so had no clue Adonai Melchiz---- could be, as I'd never heard the word before; thus on asking 7th near the beginning of our conversations what that could be, he informed me it was Adonai Melchizedek, and how that couldn't be correct as that would mean the robin was calling me "my Lord Melchizedek". If 7th had studied all the name references in religions globally that are similar to our name, he'd have already known that it makes logical sense, that there is a similar character with a name similar to mine, recorded in religion globally.

In Isaiah 28, Isaiah 46, Ezekiel 3, etc, these are all prophetically about me, as a final warning to Israel, and Judaeo-Christendom before God destroys them or we educate them. Where because the Sanhedrin made up the Gospel of John, with its fake "I Am" statements, this is leading to an escalating global religious crisis. The Quran being a continuation of Yeshua's original followers the Ebionites, is saying that the Jews edited the Bible to manipulate people - which they did in making up Christianity. John, Paul, & Simon were Pharisaic, and they've created the Covenant with Death, where they've accused God of first degree murder by misunderstanding the Bible contexts, and believing God sent the Messiah to die as a human sacrifice, when God sent the Messiah knowing that the Sanhedrin would put him to death, and then the Jews would be cut off for doing so; not rewarded, where they've then sold that to the Gentile Nations that they've gained a reward from the death of the Messiah.

There are multiple verses where the Lord of Creation comes to Plead His Case with Israel before Judgement comes on mankind; where in many of the world's religions my name is the name of the Creator to fulfil these prophecies. I've shared this with 7th to inform the Rabbis that they're prophecies are happening, and he has chosen not to tell them, and thus to murder everyone instead.

Where in Isaiah 47:8-10, it warns that the Jews will be destroyed in an instant for making up the "I Am" statements. In Zechariah 3:9 Judgement comes on mankind in a day, because of the Pharisaic Simon the stumbling stone (petros) rewriting the Gospel with Paul, and making up Christianity.

Since 7th has made a choice not to inform anyone, and I'm not very good at marketing it appears (as no one is noticing I'm here before the Judgement Day fire on mankind); where as Armageddon kicks off, Betelgeuse will be seen to have gone supernova, and then that is it for most of your existences sorry.

N B with U
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7th Beggar Plans to Not Help Humanity Survive Posted on: 8/28 19:00:37
2004/3/26 7:04
From Nottingham, UK
Posts: 2896
7th after having a reasonable conversation with me the other day for once, has now banned me for ever, as I keep saying based on the fact he is ignoring the religious prophecies about to happen, is knowingly leaving mankind to be wiped out, and "so plans, and thus wants to kill everyone".

Yesterday we did manage to discuss the different methodologies used, why the Historical Grammatical Method, and the Historical Critical Method will never successfully understand the religious texts properly, as their not as logical as the method I've always used to test my own divine inspirations (which 7th has inaccurately labelled the Wizanda Method).

Fortunately during the conversations, he asked me what my method was called, which I've realized is the Critical Structural Method, which is to analyse all the data available to us, to deduce what is the most logical way to Critically test the Structuring, and see what the original authors implied.

The problem with the Historical Grammatical Method is that they believe all the Bible is infallible, when the Bible is meant to contradict its self, as part of a morality exam.

The problem with the Historical Critical Method is it only observes the author, within its own time period; which when dealing with poetic prophetic texts that interlink globally across the whole of time, it doesn't actually deal with all the structuring available to us.

So since I got close to explaining what is going on, and 7th refuses to acknowledge I don't use the Wizanda Method for everything, where he believes I just use the Divine Inspiration, and don't test the workings, he banned me from using the word Logic, and Illogical. As when 7th speaks about the term logic, he bases it on knowing logical fallacies, and being able to show logical clauses, not that the workings have to add up over all the topic.

Ancient Greek philosophers understood that Chronos created time & order, where the reality was made out of Logic; which is that we can show God exists from mathematics, as everything is mathematically equatable. When it comes to solving what things mean, we should be able to show logical workings that add up, not just that we know how to argue, and how to claim our Method is superior.


Just to be clear, because the 7th Beggar (Professor of Kabbalah) has now rejected Jewish Messianic prophecy for all of you for good, with Olam Chesed Yibaneh (Master of Talmudic studies) as a second witness that the legal documentation from Heaven have been served to you all, God now has a legal right to remove you all from reality. This has also been submitted to the Chief Rabbi of London (Ephraim Mirvis), and the London Beth Din (Jewish High Court), which have also rejected your rights to exist.

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Re: The 7th Beggar has Rejected Messianic Prophecy for the Rabbinic Jews Posted on: 10/13 17:04:10
2004/3/26 7:04
From Nottingham, UK
Posts: 2896
7th the professor of Kabbalah from New Jersey & a mini dictator of a small Paltalk chatroom, who says that he isn't knowledgable enough to assess the religious texts properly (where I've asked him to get experts to assess the case); has now banned me from using the words "declaration", "planning", "decision", and really any concepts about the eschatology about to happen to humanity because of him.

Where because he has made a decision to go against Jewish prophecy, where he has been consistent in misrepresenting the world's religious texts for 18 years now; he is planning to murder 8 billion people, and has even got people in the room to say they'd testify in court, that he knew that he might cause the death of billions of people knowingly.

Because all he wants to do is argue how knowledgable he is, and how little everyone else knows, he has ignored specific prophecy that was meant for all the Rabbinic Jews as a warning.

Since 7th wouldn't be logical with the proceedings, I've also wrote to the Chief Rabbi of London, and the London Beth Din (Jewish High Court), so that if Israel soon gets destroyed all of them are legally responsible, with The Seventh Beggar & Olam Chesed Yibaneh making these declarations to end their existences.

As the legally provable return of the King of Kings, I'm shocked that people don't acknowledge that their existence might soon cease, because of these people answering for them to no longer exist.

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