Oneness - True Faith
Re: The 7th Beggar has Rejected Messianic Prophecy for the Rabbinic Jews Posted on: 2022/4/1 17:33
2004/3/26 7:04
From Nottingham, UK
Posts: 2923
7th Beggar has decided for all Judaeo-Christians, that he will not change his mind, and has now permanently prevented me from speaking.

Therefore when Israel starts war in the Middle East with Iran, at the same time Betelgeuse will be seen to have gone supernova, and this planet will be destroyed.

Then God will recreate reality according to prophecy globally, and then the Enlightened Saints will be resurrected into a new reality.

I was sent like Archangel Michael (Daniel 12:1) before Judgement Day, and I've now been banned from even speaking in multiple places.

Since here is the top floor of Hell, I never had to convince humanity that prophecy was real, and many texts ascribe I'd be ignored, then the Judgement comes.

Those who have had visions from God, that you'll be here after the Judgement Day Fire, hold on to your seats, it is going to get shaky.

N B with U
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Re: The 7th Beggar has Rejected Messianic Prophecy for the Rabbinic Jews Posted on: 2022/4/28 14:50
2004/3/26 7:04
From Nottingham, UK
Posts: 2923
Though I've asked 7th to tell his Rabbis that the Messiah has returned before Judgement Day, he has decided he will not tell them.

According to the Bible the world is already following the Anti-Christ's teachings, where I've explained this to 7th for 15 years+ as a part of prophecy, and he has decided to go against it for you all.

Sorry since he is now choosing to ignore me, rather than dealing with the contexts God gave me to help you all; humanity soon ends according to prophecy, with 7th asking for the date for the end, as he thinks it will debunk the Messianic prophecies.

It was stated in Luke 18:1-8 that the Unjust Judge would say "how long before God avenges his elect", rather than helping humanity.

N B with U
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Re: The 7th Beggar has Rejected Messianic Prophecy for the Rabbinic Jews Posted on: 2022/5/25 18:20
2004/3/26 7:04
From Nottingham, UK
Posts: 2923
As far as I've been told by the Source of reality, Judgement Day will come unexpectedly on mankind, and this whole world will be cleansed in some form of quantum fire.

Where because 7th has refused to even acknowledge questioning the contexts, and has decided to answer for many; most won't understand the world has already been deceived.

When it says the Lord will plead with his people (Joel 3:2, Ezekiel 20:35, Isaiah 3:13), I've been given the name of the Lord of Creation in many cultures.

Where instead of inform the Rabbis prophecy is taking place, he has rejected it all for everyone.

Thus a majority of Rabbinic Jews who already follow the Anti-Christ's doctrines, will be removed from reality as prophesied, because he has decided not to help them.

N B with U
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Re: The 7th Beggar has Rejected Messianic Prophecy for the Rabbinic Jews Posted on: 2022/6/1 15:45
2004/3/26 7:04
From Nottingham, UK
Posts: 2923
Though 7th has been informed that if he doesn't act upon Messianic prophecy, this will lead to the end of the human race, he states he will not change his mind.

Thus after 16 years asking him to question the details, he has now banned me from using the words 'academic, context, Judaism, intertextuality, scholarly', as he thinks it is a religious chatroom debate he is controlling, and that I do not understand those words properly, to keep insisting he abides to them.

I've been very clear since day one, that I'm an angel who fulfilled Revelation 10 three years before reading the Bible. As our discussions have proceeded, I've explained how I was told by God at 4-5 years old, that our name is in many of the world's religious texts prior to Judgement Day, and how the Source of reality explained global eschatology to me at 15 years old.

Even though in the last 4 years I've had enough evidence to show that I'm the return of King David, then Yeshua, and now Zion/Zan, 7th has refused to go into the details, and has proceeded to answer for all Rabbinic Jews; even though I've asked him to get experts.

At 5-6 years old I knew how the Great Deception had taken place by the fake "I Am" statements, and knew at 25 years old I'd be on the sky explaining the concepts, yet be rejected, then Judgement comes.

I've given 7th plenty of time to share the information with the Rabbinic Jews as prophesied, and instead he has asked for the date of their destruction to debunk my claims, rather than assess the data for you all.

I'm sorry for choosing someone who really doesn't fear God or humanities destruction.

N B with U
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