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Re: My Guide to RuneScape Websites you need!!
Posted on: 2006/2/1 20:53 |
Just can't stay away 
Joined: 2005/12/31 8:22
This didn't make me smile...
Either play by the rules or don't play at all.
Mother of ten, pulls the plug when she feels in the mood!
Re: My Guide to RuneScape Websites you need!!
Posted on: 2006/2/5 16:16 |
Joined: 2004/3/26 7:04
From Nottingham, UK
As has just happen Suzy I wouldn't worry about people cheating over 15000 people were just banned for trying.
For those who don't cheat, its all good.
Adding someone as a friend on the game for advice though is cool.
So if you do need help I am always willing, and the main reason I have good stats is not for me, yet to help others.
I wish more people didn't just live to satisfy their own EGO, it is always a short exsperince.
Helpping other never ends
Amazing how much you can see in something if you look i.e. the simularities bewteen a virtual life and the real one.
my name is wizanda on the game as well, if you need me, won't be back on for a week though.
Good luck all
Re: My Guide to RuneScape Websites you need!!
Posted on: 2006/2/21 0:47 |
I got this coordinate for a clue scroll and i can't find it. I would really apperciate the help : 1 degrees, 18 north, 14 degrees, 15 East. Plz help me!
Re: My Guide to RuneScape Websites you need!!
Posted on: 2006/2/21 0:54 |
and oh yah one more thing. If ya wanna chat to me on RS my user name is: 01_Riku Thanx everyone!
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