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Which Started the Divisions?
Posted on: 2023/5/6 11:43 |
Joined: 2004/3/26 7:04
From Nottingham, UK
Governments have used religions to make wars.
Re: Which Started the Divisions?
Posted on: 2023/5/6 14:09 |
Joined: 2004/3/26 7:04
From Nottingham, UK
A religion is a group of people with a belief system, often trying to teach theology about altruism, and moral social responsibility.
Why would a group of people trying to aspire to creating peace, want to create wars?
If we think about it, we can show that religion and government was one topic in the past; where then societal leaders, used the religious values to make a nation fight another.
Yet can we deem that the religion is what wants the wars or is it the governmental aspects which would do so; where people's belief in something higher than them is often teaching them not to kill, and not to cause harm to others?
Re: Which Started the Divisions?
Posted on: 2023/5/6 14:18 |
Joined: 2004/3/26 7:04
From Nottingham, UK
Plural religions causes divisions; yet originally people tried to create a moral social structuring, so a group of people could live in unity.
Then as societies separated, different religious values were ascribed to different cultures, and then people have fought against each other over their systems of society.
Yet if we all choose to be less bigoted, and read each others systems, we'd gain from all the wisdoms involved; yet government has become our major religion, creating a secular society that doesn't educate its self in the wisdoms of the past.
Then government portrays charismatic leaders like a cult would, and because people don't educate themself in religion, they don't realize this has happened many times.
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