Oneness - True Faith
Gnostic Untwists On the Bible Posted on: 12/24 10:32:02
2004/3/26 7:04
From Nottingham, UK
Posts: 2923
The Creator (YHVH/Bhagavan Brahma) made this realm between Heaven & Hell; where the Archons warned it was dangerous to use scumbag energy to make beings from, as they would have a bad mentality.

The Creator isn't stupid as Gnostic ideas seem to present about the Demiurge, where it created a reality, and clearly has more intelligence than any of us do down here.

This realm is a sifting process according to scripture, and when Yeshua said "I will make you fishermen of men" (Matthew 4:19), the little shrimp, and other small sea life that fall through the nets, are meant to be in lower realms, and that is all part of the same plan.

The religious leaders have tried to present to us down here near Hell, that we're the saints, & we're angelic; when we're meant to know from this realm around us, that it is down near Hell, with spiky plants & beings, and want to be altruistic enough to ascend out of here (Moksha).

Yeshua tried to reiterate to the Sanhedrin that we're in Gehenna (Matthew 23:15), and they thought he was calling them 'the Sons of the Devil' (John 8:44).

Yeshua according to prophecy was the spirit of the Creator, and returns with the name of the Creator before Judgement Day; which means Christ is the Demiurge fulfilling parts of prophecy to help set a Snare (Isaiah 8:11-22) to catch out the Ravenous Beings, who'd create a Covenant with Death, about him in the Bed of Adultery (Isaiah 28).

It is true from both Gnostic, and the religious texts, that the Creator/Messiah is a Son of the God Most High/Source, and that is the true God we're meant to worship.

The last supper was part of the Snare, where it says in Ezekiel 4 that God will exchange their bread for poo cakes, and their drink for urine, as basically they've turned a man into an animal sacrifice.

N B with U
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