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Re: Why Christian means to be on cannabis
Posted on: 2004/11/9 21:21 |
Just popping in
Joined: 2004/11/9 20:55
From Amsterdam, Netherlands
Hi wizanda and others, good to see more and more people who realize cannabis is a sacred herb. For those who don't know, our ministry does anoint with the holy oil as desrcibed in the Bible with Kaneh Bosm (cannabis) as one as the main ingredients. We have testimonials from members who noticed it cured them from many different ilnesses. It's really amazing.
Re: Why Christian means to be on cannabis
Posted on: 2004/12/18 20:58 |
Can you get me some of that stuff you're smoking?
Re: Why Christian means to be on cannabis
Posted on: 2005/1/10 3:38 |
Just popping in
Joined: 2005/1/10 3:11
Thats funny, but you might have something there!
Re: Why Christian means to be on cannabis
Posted on: 2005/2/23 14:37 |
Thx Wizanda!! after you saying about this, i checked it up. You are right it even says in the strongs concordance as kaneh bosem, it is quite clear. If you look in mark 6:13 it says, that the diciples were healing with it also, annointing people and healing!! So why haven't the church's made this public knowledge. I am glad there are some people, not scared to post the truth! Thx again! Now all i need to know, is where to get the ingredients from??
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