Not too shy to talk 
Joined: 2006/4/23 10:58
From Heaven
Since this is my problem and finally after all these many life times, I think we got it now thanks to the divine teacher.
As parable it goes like this...
If an oak tree takes 30 years to grow, to be big enough to spread its fruit far enough and well enough that the seeds it drops has the distance needed to receive enough light. After this period of time as an oak, imagine the wind that was there and all the birds that eat of you left, and the more you impatiently expected it, the less happened. So you begin to question your self and God about why not? Then it hits you, how dare you! As you have been provided for all that time with water, sun and life in which to live! So what right do you then have, to demand that your fruit be heard? None as in every movement there is a time, and if you waited you would see that, as to demand that your fruit drops, is to totally disrespect for even being given the light to grow, in the first place in which to drop the fruit.
So this is me, and though this is also for all to hear, this is a problem I still haven't fully dealt with. As I hear it in me, and when someone questions me, over expecting in something else. It broke my heart and made me realize it still is a problem in me, we have now figured out. As yes I do expect people to read and listen; yet I do also expect people to pass on Chinese whispers as if truth; as that is just a natural cause of our society and can't be helped... Unless we all see it is there! So this is what the site is about as yes many prophets have spoken and many have taught in different ways yet the true sit heaven and so can you. You see each angel must know these things and not demand of others as all it does is the opposite of planned. You see the wind stops blowing, the birds don't come not even a squirrel that use to rest in your branches.
So what happened to the oak tree to fix it? It gave up, it stop expecting God to do it and just wait, as soon as that release of EGO the tree had got left... God heard and saw again as God can't look at darkness which is EGO so all the connection goes. So then the breeze came like magic and softly spoken, taking the acorns across the way to grow and finish the circle that had started such a long time ago.
So what is all of that don't expect it is desire and desire causes ego which in turn causes hell. So if you are going to be a teacher as the oak, then you to must learn this and teach yet do not be determined, you will change them.. your seed will never drop like that.
If you share light it helps with out EGO contained and then because that bridge is opened to God... It allows it into the person's heart.
Otherwise it just alienates them. Expecting they will listen as you tell them they must listen to your fruit.
Can you imagine and oak saying to the squirrel come here and bury these for me?
It just wouldn't and couldn't happen and very much like all of us are doing at the moment!
The whole race has this as diseases all these people who think they know so much and push it over others.
So let go forget about pushing you seeds and fruit and stop be in the love of God grow your self and then the rest of it will fall in to place.
If everyone took this on board and understood this, then yes people would teach, Yet no they wouldn't preach and make it out of reach, as yes they can tell you it grows, yet does the fruit show?
For each would then show through example; as then you are doing the principle that an oak must do and through this people will then learn.
Also remember for all who stand shouting at God for not getting fruit, which in fact then the sun even went in; within the parable when shouting at God, and then you can't even grow... so how will you ever get fruit like that or help spread fruit?