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Re: The 13 Dimension and Commandments explained
Posted on: 2004/10/24 18:55 |
Joined: 2004/3/26 7:04
From Nottingham, UK
Quote: This post of yours is very well written Thank you I feel it still needs explaining better If anyone has any parts they want explaining feel free to ask
Re: The 13 Dimension and Commandments explained
Posted on: 2004/10/30 11:59 |
Joined: 2004/3/26 7:04
From Nottingham, UK
I have also died before in this life time and have seen this from a different perspective
What I saw was the whole universe exists as quarks which are the smallest part of atoms for those who don't know
The quarks where spirit and I was within what I saw at least it felt like that
The first place I went was into the more dense lower levels of existence which was ego (hell) and the quarks or spirit were just straight lines not containing much bounce
This was very much like Christ had said where the people where bothered about feeding them self and not each other
Everyone was talking yet no one was listening This is/was hell it appeared to me yet not as many fictional stories have portrayed yet the dense low of the universe making up objects with in the universe with no real control over your existence
Yet I, as per usual started talking about higher things and they tried to get me and cover me with a dark level yet I called out and said I knew oneness In my spirit and from with in me a light shone out yet the lower levels tried to quench it Then a light from above found me and pulled me through different levels of dimension (it appeared to me) It took me into a place that was not, yet was apart of all of the universe, It had transcend solid matter and was in the realms of free consciousness The first level of heaven was love and unconditional love for the universe and god first so that all centered on oneness. The next was wisdom and high levels of wisdom with out comparison or disease in the thinking, true understanding of why things happen and with unconditional love contained This level was focused in on the center of the universe as well with all the wisdom and thought of the spirit focused in on god Yet I shouldn't even call him/it god as no name is suitable as he/she is all names and is all things As the way spirit exist in heaven is as bouncing radiant balls of dynamic quarks having been able to bounce them self's into new structures within their souls So as you float round each other you learn from the structure of the spirit with an immense love and wisdom with out comparison and free of this ego we have let over whelm our peoples and are slowly spreading more into the universal flow
Re: The 13 Dimension and Commandments explained
Posted on: 2005/1/10 3:04 |
Ok Wizanda, There is to much to that post to address , so I will try a few things. You said Jesus said john was Elijah, supporting reincarnation. I have pondered that a lot over the decades. I think john had some of the essence of Elijah, or that same spirit. When anybody dies, the spirit of life (breath)returns to God. That breath (spirit) has the life experiences of elijah. Now when john was born, it is most likely this same breath (spirit) that was in elijah, was placed into john at his conception. This does not mean, john was elijah, but did have some of that essence. There is only one elijah, as there is only one john. But this essensce, (breath) or (spirit) can be recycled in different ages, if the times call for it. Does that make sense to you? "dude" from When Jesus made adam from the dust, he was a body lying on the ground, dead! Then God breathed life (breath or spirit) into him and he became a living soul. Our soul is our personality, it is not the spirit which is breath. When man dies, his body returns to the dust, the breath or spirit returns to God, and the soul goes to sleep, awaiting resurrection. So this spirit has the history of that person in it, but it is not that person. Each soul is indepent of all others and has to stand judgment by itself as one! Thats why elijah and john are not the same soul, but did share the same spirit. Can you follow this? "dude from christian links"
Re: The 13 Dimension and Commandments explained
Posted on: 2005/1/31 16:50 |
Joined: 2004/3/26 7:04
From Nottingham, UK
yes i do follow what you mean and you are correct when i died this is what i saw also i in my memories i or my spirit remembers over 20,000 years so i agree full heartedly at first i wasn't sure when i was 5 and felt this way so i have studied loads and had many past memories now i am about sure of who i am an that spirit does return if sent by God many people do not believe this as they follow paul and not Christ as paul said we are to live once then be judged yet this does not concur with what i saw in heaven or with what the other prophets have said So what many need to see is the fake prohpet spoke all the way through the bible is paul as his spirit is that of a pharisee and law maker if you check up prophocies you will see what i have stuck in this thread fufills many prophecies world wide as the 13 dimensions are surposed to reamerge as fore told by mayans and the last commandment as fore told by the bible also christ said he would send the spirit of truth and if he didn't go then the spirt couldnt come back as the 2 are 1 In my spirit and through what God has shown me i understand most spirtula dimensions and levels alot since i was 5 yet i was scared to defy my auntie si kept quiet as not top break the commendments by repecting my olders and parents yet through God convincing me other wise i am now solid enough in my self and in biblical and spiritual knowlecdge to explain and not waver what i ask of many is that we relise heaven is oneness split into three levels 1st love 2nd wisdom and 3rd God all three are one and heaven is one all people who have said this are about right yet all explain a part hell is ego there is no devil it comes from mans ego and through no ego and pure devotion to oneness we can make the world a better place
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