Oneness - True Faith
Re: The 13 Dimension and Commandments explained Posted on: 2005/3/5 13:56
I don't know the 13 dimensions vanish for thousands of years(last known by the mayans) and someone is prophecied to know them in the future.
Half the time, wizanda seem's to talk him self on here, why??
Very intresting read Thx wizanda!!
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Re: The 13 Dimension and Commandments explained Posted on: 2005/3/21 16:43
2004/3/26 7:04
From Nottingham, UK
Posts: 2932
Love God with all your mind, body and soul.
Humble your self, expecting that nothing you do, can be done with out God. No Ego

No image of God, God created all and is all that exsist's.
So nothing you can imagine is worthy!

If in every country God has a diffrent name.
How can one name surfice, God is all names and sounds

Be still and trust God!
Everyday has up's and down's, spend time to reflect on what God has shown you by chance.
Spend at least one day of the week in rest and worship in spirit, So as to co-ordinate your week else life becomes dis-organised.

God planted the seed of your spirit in mother earth and you grow.
Your parents raised you, so respect the branch's of your parents, by not being a burden to them.
Instead help thier branch's to grow, then plant new fruit that the harvest may grow.

All is one, all that lives is holy!
Do not kill anything that feels the pain of you doing so.
Do not contenplate or towards anything.

We are what we eat and see.
Clean thought as we all think and feel on a sub-conscious level.
What spirit has joined do not seperate, yet what is lightly bonded, can easily come apart.
So dont hold on to that which is broken, or cling to something you can hold on to!

God created the universe, so creating time, so therefore knows what will happen.
So don't steal as you get what you need, as you need, not when you want!

Lies cause chaos, be honest with each other and your selves,as God sees all.
Help others by telling the truth, so that they may change for the best.

No desire, for it causes suffering.
Comparisson is the start of deases
Learning to accept and not to grasp, is the key to understanding.
Unity brings peace, oneness is heaven.

Treat others as you wish to be treated!
Love God with all your soul, then through this love, love others, never the other way round, else the energy diminishs.
Show all by example, that you are continuess in giving and sharing with others with out counting it.
Learn that what you think of genuiness, can in fact be selfish desire.
That oneness above all, is all that is important, all you live for is to serve Good.
Understand that all knowledge and wisdom come from God, in pure love and from this be fed.

God creates all wisdom and knowledge, only from God does wisdom come.
By seeking first the kingdom of God you will have a understanding of life, yet this knowldge is useless unless shared, help others see the light.
Be humble in your aproch like a child in humbleness, yet like a parent in understanding.
Else what taught can be spoiled by your own ego getting in the way.
True wisdom is the king-dom of God, in true wis-dom is the universe made.
Unconditional love and understanding are contained in the kingdom of God.
Above all showing and teaching oneness, as this is "The Way" as spoken.
That of heaven is a righteous token.

God is One!...................

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Re: The 13 Dimension and Commandments explained Posted on: 2005/3/23 16:06
2004/3/26 7:04
From Nottingham, UK
Posts: 2932
All that we see is created by God, through wisdom and observation of the most simple things, we can see the ways of God.
This is true Zen, as Zen koans come from nature.
Yeshua's parables come from nature.
Lao Tzu's poems come from nature.
So we all have one true teacher God, as all teachers have observed nature to understand the wisdom of God. Nature was created as it is to complex to exsist by chance, ie evoultion
God is beyond explination, as is understanding Zen by words alone.

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Re: The 13 Dimension and Commandments explained Posted on: 2005/7/15 5:23
God is the way
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