Hi Everyone,
I just wanted to get some information out to you. Did you know that Chlorine Bleach can burn, irritate skin, eyes, and the respiratory system!
Ammonia can be damaging to the eyes, skin, and respiratory tract!
Air fresheners contain toxins that include Formaldehyde and Phenol!
Dishwashing detergents contain dry chlorine, which is the #1 cause of poisoning in children according to poison control!
Furniture polish contains Petroleum Distillates, which can cause skin and lung cancer!These just name a few. You can do a smell test on your household cleaners. Quite simply the more they smell the more the toxins.
Another fact for all you moms that stay at home cleaning day in and day out: According to the National Cancer Society, a 15 year study found that stay at home women are at higher risk of cancer!
Also, children with chronic lung infections, asthma, Cystic Fibrosis, ADHD are actually at risk when mom cleans the house? We wouldn't dream of letting our children breath poison fumes intentionally, yet we do it every time we protect them by cleaning the house!
Then there are the side effects these products have on are environment. We are slowly killing the earth. We need to get back to basics.
A really cool book I read recently is "Radiant Body, Restful Mind" by Shubhra Krishan. She addresses living more simply and safely in all aspects of our life.
I hope you take this information seriously. If you want to learn about a company that has healthy products for your home and families, contact me at
healthysuccess@adlandpro.com or check out my website at
MomsWIN A special is going on the month of July

For $1 you can sign up for great deals on great product directly from the company. NO OBLIGATION TO YOU.
Bright Blessings
(Sandra Dioszegi)