Pete wrote:
reincarnation... I've done rebirthing class and the memories that I had were though out my body, not just in my head. the visions of places and the emotions felt were unexplainable. I feel we are here on this earth to learn lessons. I don't believe a Creator would put us here to have us fail. If we don't learn the lessons do we get thrown the trash, a creation of the Creator? I don't believe that would happen. so I believe that we come back to learn the lesson we passed up. When we learn those lesson do you think we go to heaven and play harp? I don't believe so. Lifetime on earth makes us like our Creator? This is a big Universe. Lots still to learn. What does your heart tell you? Hope this gives you a diferant perspective to look at it in a differant way. Take care.
Yes, we are here to learn lessons, that is all existence is. Without learning we are stagnant. Stagnancy is non existence. The first thing we differ on here is the creator. I believe the creator to be just that... only the creator(the big bang, the universe, etc. He is not an entity or a being.. rather he is the starter of all things, therefore he is all things that come after, you follow?). I don't believe him to create me. My parents did through making love. I'm afraid I also do not believe in heaven and the afterlife. Heaven is a metaphor for what we can have here while we live... if we choose to achieve... but first we must all come to accept that... otherwise we will live life only to die for heaven in the afterlife... and we will never live life just for the beauty of life. which is a huge deception and misunderstanding. Make heaven now and here... there is one lesson right there. This is what my heart tells me :) No re-incarnation. Only complete randomization.. and one chance to learn. It is our fault if we don't succeed, not the creators. We need to stop looking for excuses. We are here now. Succeed! We cannot continue waiting for some fairy tale-next life... do it NOW.
Exactly.. we know nothing about this universe. Accept that and live like you know nothing. Re-evaluate and start from scratch. No preconceived notions. I hope we can all wake up and carpe diem. Take control. Everytime we fail we have someone to blame, or something to turn to... and we never look at ourselves. It's all within us.