Oneness - True Faith
Why Christian means to be on cannabis Posted on: 2004/7/7 13:05
2004/3/26 7:04
From Nottingham, UK
Posts: 2931
In the bible in exdous 30
"Also take fine spices: of liquid myrrh, five hundred shekels; and of fragrant cinnamon half as much, even two hundred and fifty; and of fragrant cane, two hundred and fifty; and of cassia five hundred, after the shekel of the sanctuary; and a hin of olive oil. You shall make it a holy anointing oil, a perfume compounded after the art of the perfumer: it shall be a holy anointing oil. You shall use it to anoint the Tent of Meeting, the ark of the testimony,
(Exo 30:23-26)
there is a mistranslation on the word sweet(fragrant) cane
this should be translated from the word pronouced
kawneh bo'sem =cannabis
bo'sem means flower
Christians means annointed ones

judges where it says to be annointed by the bramble
it is speaking of trees and this would make no logical sense
if it were to go on about bramble being a tree
so i think this is again on about cannabis as it is contained in the annointing oil
this would then make sense of why most hippies are more christian
then a lot of christians i have meet
if you look at all the great king in scripture you will see they where annointed
in a lot of culture cannabis is a teacher plant
this i have known since being young and i find to be correct it helps you relate
its not to intoxicate it helps you relax and be still
god can guide you
it is actualy part of your body from the moment your born there is a natural receptor in your body that it joins on to
so if we are truly to be christians we should be annointed
peace b with u
check it up and tell me what you find
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Re: Christian means to be on cannabis Posted on: 2004/7/10 12:56
lol i enjoyed reading that thanx
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Re: Christian means to be on cannabis Posted on: 2004/11/3 20:38
2004/3/26 7:04
From Nottingham, UK
Posts: 2931
This needs to be general knowledge as it makes people more open minded
I have more conversations about the meaning of life with people who do smoke then don't
It is like soloman said if first you ponder the things of God (remember soloman was annointed with cannabis oil)
We now have a whole generation of young people smoking cannabis with out any spiritual help
Instead they are persecuted for doing somthing that the bible says is holy
If you read this
spread the truth as the truth may help our younger generations
If we dont change this it will get worse look at the states at all the gangsters
smoking cannabis and becoming villans the same in the UK
If the church did acept the truth then most kids wouldnt smoke it as they would see it as somthing good and not rebellious
Instead they make a herb that is known to heal a lot of alignments illegal
As this is in the bible this is infinging on many peoples
religious beliefs
Also a reason so many arabs are so against the american goverment as they have been persecuted for growing cannabis for years now
Which when in most cultures cannabis is a teacher plant this needs to change
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Re: Christian means to be on cannabis Posted on: 2004/11/9 14:13
Wouldn`t you end up with tons of people doped up?
Nothing getting done?
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