Since everyone suffers here from the moment we are born, we are is this in fact hell around us, though we see many beautiful things surrounding us.. it is also written that this place was made after heaven, within countless books and this is second to it....
Now we are well aware there are certain texts that play on this point, contrary as into state man would ever have the upper hand over angels??
Yet we are also well aware that if someone had a dream or aspiration...another will grasp at that more often then not, as it is out of reach for them self' they take it by other means.
Anyway point being regardless of preconditioned ideas, set in place by religious dogma...what do you think here is...?
As if all we do is come here die and suffer, then heaven we have been to and is made of pure energy, which to us may appear like a bright light, yet is high frequency vibration above that of this reality.....
The reason asking it as a question, is if people say here isn't hell... then that makes a lot of sense and most likely it is....
As since half of us don't know the tail from the head of the donkey, considering many of us follow Christianity regardless if it stands against God, Christ and the rest of the Bible to begin....(John, Paul, Simon get away with murder and we carry on?) (Read the book as a murder mystery if its your friend, who was lost! Else listen to the churches that they established on bloodshed?)
So seriously question this for a minute in all the details surrounding us, for instance it said "the good die young", ask your self why?...
Is it early release from prison?....
Are you 100% good?...
Is every breath and thought centred on the beginning and origin of the universe?
Think not, so is it hell then?
What do you think?
If you also understand from the question if we all actually agreed and said this is hell.. Then that means we can all begin to improve as one, as if we all realized we are in the pits to begin..Then some of us might have a rethink and work for once to become better, rather then it doesn't matter (Maya = 666?)...
From a
NDE the soil was the very basement of reality... so yes we could still go further and even lower!
Yet doubt any of us would want to do that, as if we don't plant some trees to recycle how would you get back again??