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Category: Free Software Full Games
X-Moto is a challenging 2D motocross platform game, where physics play an all important role in the gameplay. You need to control your bike to its limit, if you want to have a chance finishing the more difficult of the challenges.
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Rating: 6.00 (5 votes) Version: Submitted Date: 2006/10/6
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Category: Free Software Full Games
A powerful yet easy-to-use creation tool that anyone with a PC or Mac and a mouse can enjoy. With a simple drag-and-drop interface, you can assemble your creature from a wide range of parts. How do you feel about tentacles? Why only two eyes? Pull and stretch those parts exactly as you choose, then paint your creature with unique colors and patterns - this truly unprecedented level of flexibility lets you make a limitless number of fun creatures. Bring those creatures to life - see how they dance, strike a pose, and much more. In just a few minutes, anyone can easily make incredible animated creatures. You can share your favorites with friends using simple built-in tools, then visit the SPORE website and look at all the other cool creatures your friends and people all around the world are making - and then pull them into your SPORE Creature Creator and play with them! What you create is entirely up to you - with SPORE, the only limit is your imagination.
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Rating: 3.00 (22 votes) Version: Submitted Date: 2008/6/19
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Category: Free Software Full Games
Scorched 3D is a game based loosely (or actually quite heavily now) on the classic DOS game Scorched Earth "The Mother Of All Games". Scorched 3D adds amongst other new features a 3D island environment and LAN and internet play. Scorched 3D is totally free and is available for both Microsoft Windows and Unix (Linux, FreeBSD, Mac OS X, Solaris etc.) operating systems.

More screen shots available in the screen shots section.

You can pick up the game and begin playing very quickly. Then, when/if you are interested, you can poke in the dimmer recesses of the game and get into the strategy (or just ignore it altogether!).

At its lowest level, Scorched 3D is just an artillery game with two+ tanks taking turns to destroy opponents in an arena. Choose the angle, direction and power of each shot, launch your weapon, and try to blow up other tanks. That's basically it.

But Scorched 3D can be a lot more complex than that, if you want it to be. You can earn money from successful battles and use it to invest in additional weapons and accessories. You can play with up to twenty four other players at a time, mixing computer players with humans. There's a variety of changing environmental conditions and terrains to be dealt with. After the end of each round (which ends when everybody dies or there's only one person left), you get to buy stuff using the prize money you won from previous matches.

A few quotes so I feel I am not wasting my life (as if )...

Get it from CNET! 5 Stars " The venerable artillery-style slug-match gets a 3D update with Scorched3D, a very addictive and nicely rendered turn-based game. 5 Stars. "
(Review of Scorched 3D at CNET

Ytanium 5 Stars " Wonderful remake of the "mother of all games": ... Beautiful 3D graphics and decent sound (but no music) for this simple, but very funny, classical game. Can be played on the net. A must to have! "
(Review fo Scorched 3D at YTanium)

Scorched3D 5 stars " 5 Stars! "
(Review fo Scorched 3D at Share up .com)

" This is a beautiful clone of Scorched Earth, the classic DOS artillery duel game. It's been 3Dified and has a great OpenGL polish around it. "
(Review of Scorched 3D at

" Scorched 3D is an impressive freeware game that is based on the DOS game Scorched Earth, meeting all the expectations of a classic remake....Overall Scorched3D is a highly recommended download, you wont regret it. "
(Review of Scorched 3D at AcidPlay)

" 4 Cows! "
(Review of Scorched 3D at TuCows)

" Take a concept as cool as Scorched Earth and run with it. What's the first thing you think of? If you're like most gamers, the answer is probably "modern graphics." That's the exact goal of Scorched 3D; it's an almost-exact replica of Scorched Earth only with stunning 3D visuals. "
(Review of Scorched 3D at FilePlanet)

" What makes Scorched 3D interesting are the little details. There are a variety of custom options to tinker with and after each round you can buy new missiles and defences with money pillaged from your enemies, adding a whole new level to the strategy. "
(Review of Scorched 3D at PC Magazine)

" The play is liquid and has great 3D-Graphics 9/10 "
(Review of Scorched 3D at

" The beautiful 3D graphics and the ingenious play give Scorched3D unbelievable long term motivation. "
(Review of Scorched 3D at

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Rating: 5.00 (3 votes) Version: Submitted Date: 2017/7/14
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Category: Free Software Full Games
Savage 2 is a fast-paced game centered around an epic battle between the Legion of Man and the Beast Horde.
Each match is a battle for dominance, where two teams of 3-20 players gather resources, research powerful magic and technology, and attempt to destroy the enemy team's command center.
In addition to each faction's standard soldier class, there are specialty roles such as healer, builder, reconnaissance and ranged support, as well as the heavy-hitters such as the assault classes and building-smashing siege units (why hack away at enemy buildings when you can smash them with an uprooted tree trunk?).
Would you rather take the reigns? - then take control as commander of your team from an RTS perspective, building structures, researching new weapons and abilities, casting powerful support spells, and coordinating your team's efforts.

Savage 2 is completely free to play.
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Rating: 6.00 (13 votes) Version: 2 Submitted Date: 2017/7/14
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Category: Free Software Full Games
Saga is persistent and played online in a massively-multiplayer environment. Every building you build, troop you buy, and piece of land you conquer remains with you as long as you play the game. That means every time you fight your friends, you won't have to rebuild your castle from scratch. It also means every time your buildings get damaged or your troops killed, they stay that way unless you repair or resurrect them. Troops gain experience over time, meaning that they move with you from battle to battle, improving their skills and finding exciting new armor and weapons to equip themselves with.
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Rating: 7.00 (4 votes) Version: Submitted Date: 2008/4/23
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