Oneness - True Faith
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Archive: 10 - 2023

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  1. How the Word j+sus is an Insult in Hebrew
    The whole world has already been deceived to follow the Beast; where because they've not recognized it is there within the language, they've not realized it's blatantly within the texts.
  2. Resolving Middle Eastern Religion
    Since things will keep escalating without fixing the roots of a problem; here is what is causing the tumultuous divisions in the Middle East's theology.
  3. Why God Exists as 0neness
    A quick explanation of why God exists as Zero, before the Oneness of reality was created.
  4. Messianic Naming
    The prophesied naming of the Messiah within the Bible, is overlooked by many, as it takes being able to dismantle all of it, to get to the roots of what is ascribed.